This is not funny… this is exactly what he sounds like, and he’s “our leader” – IOTW Report

This is not funny… this is exactly what he sounds like, and he’s “our leader”

God help us…

20 Comments on This is not funny… this is exactly what he sounds like, and he’s “our leader”

  1. He just said this.

    “Joe Biden told a Swiss audience on Wednesday that Americans yield their rights to the government.”

    This guy needs to step down. Kamel Toe will make a fool of herself and then she can step down. I think Dr. Jill is writing his shit for him. And setting foreign policy.

  2. “Every country has the government it deserves.”
    (de Maistre)

    He is not “our leader;” he is not “the President;” he is a usurping traitor – nothing more; nothing less. Why we suffer this delusion is THE mystery.

    izlamo delenda est …


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