Control Freak Whitmer to lift all COVID-19 restrictions including mask rules June 22 – IOTW Report

Control Freak Whitmer to lift all COVID-19 restrictions including mask rules June 22


Michigan will lift the state’s coronavirus rules on June 22 as case rates in the state continue to plummet and vaccinations increase. Here’s what things will look like in a post-pandemic world in Michigan.

Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced Michigan’s remaining COVID-19 restrictions that were still in place like its mandate masks and public gatherings rules would be lifted next Tuesday.

Whitmer hinted at the plan on Wednesday and made the announcement Thursday. She had originally said that all limitations would be lifted on July 1.


9 Comments on Control Freak Whitmer to lift all COVID-19 restrictions including mask rules June 22

  1. To fully take over they need fear to justify their control and to get that fear back they need to let up on the gas pedal for awhile. Meanwhile Fauci and all the experts are already setting the stage for the scary variants all due to the bad unvaccinated and the people that decided after one shot never to do that again. Can’t wait for the big fall lockdown taking away all the rights of the unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated.

  2. @ Anonymous
    Pot heads and voting machines most assuredly.
    I’m not trusting the shrew at all. It would not surprise me if she has the next a$$ rape of MI residents all ready to be committed.

  3. She never had restrictions on her family.
    Just so ya’all know, state employees’s are still working from home and I have had to deal with three different divisions during this lockdown. The employee’s are great but getting to them is damn near impossible. Interesting that one person I talked to on the phone is working from Ohio. She’s contracting out work to other states to meet the needs of the people of Michigan.

    And we are last in covid recovery.

    Shout out to Claudia and family.
    Come see me, boat in the water and ready to entertain. And that goes for all IOTW folks that want to come by.

    Another side note. I moved my maintenance of the boat to the company that put Whitmer’s husband at the back of the line for putting the docks in the water, he can wait just like all of us.
    Good people get good business.

  4. I get to go back to MI in 5 weeks for an appt for one of my girls. Children’s Hospital of Michigan.

    Which is in Detroit.


    Please someone tell me Greektown is up and running again, I want my girls to experience authentic Greek cuisine but I worry if anyone’s made it through closures


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