iOTW Virtual Meetup – IOTW Report

iOTW Virtual Meetup

Hosted by Roger F-

Friday, June 18 at 4:00 PM Pacific, 5:00 PM Mountain, 6:00 PM Central, 7:00PM Eastern
I am using Skype again:

18 Comments on iOTW Virtual Meetup

  1. Oh! Just saw this and then it took me a moment to realize that’s today. That’s 15:00 our time and I’m still at work u til 16:30 (13:30 now).

    Please tell all hello from me and I’ve got great news! My short story published in an anthology is available on Amazon! (You’ll see my name in the blurb.)

    Have an awesome weekend!

  2. Dang, nobody has joined. was it the last minute introduction? or have all of you decided I am an idiot? I will accept that. There is a reason that I am temporarily retired 🙂

  3. @RogerF – I just walked in the door and need to shower, etc. This is the first that I knew about a virtual gathering, so yeah, I think there needs to be a couple days notice.

    Regardless, I thank you for organizing these get togethers.

  4. RogerF – when I was a kid I went to a summer camp located in Powderhorn CO, which is close to Gunnison. In fact, it was just off the Gunnison River.

    Ever been to Powderhorn? That’s a trick question. Back then it was nothing more than a rural post office. Who knows, by now it may be fully developed.

  5. Hey Roger – so sorry we missed the virtual. We got home late and didn’t go on until late. Hopefully next time. Happy Father’s Day to all!!

    God Bless us all!

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