Motive Dispute Over Why Driver Ran Down 2 In Fort Lauderdale Stonewall Pride Parade – IOTW Report

Motive Dispute Over Why Driver Ran Down 2 In Fort Lauderdale Stonewall Pride Parade


One man is dead and another man has been injured after a white pickup truck ran over a crowd just as the Stonewall Pride Parade and Festival was kicking off in Wilton Manors Saturday night, Fort Lauderdale police said.

The truck, clad in a rainbow flag, was along the parade route on the southwest corner of NE 15th Street and NE 4th Avenue with other floats. The driver has been apprehended and the Fort Lauderdale Police Department is actively investigating the incident with assistance from the FBI. More

The mayor of Fort Lauderdale, Dean Trantalis (D) was quick to declare it an attack on the LBGBTQ community while the president of the Gay Men’s Chorus, Justin Knight, identified the driver as a member of his group. Here

20 Comments on Motive Dispute Over Why Driver Ran Down 2 In Fort Lauderdale Stonewall Pride Parade

  1. It’s a classic foundational big lie. Years down the road, this will be referred to as an act of “Christian terrorism” in leftist talking points, and be treated as true before anyone has time to refute it and be shouted down in the process.

    It’s like “Muh Insurrekshun!”.

  2. FBI has time for this bullshit but can’t find time to look into treasonably stealing elections and voter fraud? Or Hunter Biden? Or H. Rodham Clinton? Or the Burisma Connection? Or Susan Rice? Or Valerie Jarrett?

    Well, ain’t that just precious!

    FBI’s looking into auto accidents – as long as there’s a fag involved – or a noose.
    They’re fucking worthless.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Fascinating that attribution of a hate crime is instantaneous with the preferred tribes but no attribution whatever when one of those preferred tribes harms a white person who is not in the tribe.

    Blacks are openly assaulting/murdering whites and Asians now and not a single hate crime has been declared anywhere in the country against any black mugger/murderer.

    Funny how that works. Talk about privilege…


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