In late May and early June 2020, looters smashed storefronts in the Bronx and Manhattan boroughs of New York City.
Many were caught on tape, some with their faces visible. Others even posted their own videos of their actions those nights on social media. Hundreds were arrested.
But a review of NYPD data by the investigative team at WNBC, the NBC owned station in New York, shows that a large percentage of the cases — particularly in the Bronx — were dismissed, and that many convictions were for counts like trespassing that carry no jail time.
“I was in total shock that everything is being brushed off to the side,” said Jessica Betancourt, who owns an eyeglass shop that was looted and destroyed along Burnside Avenue in the Bronx last June.
Why are we paying for law enforcement when the courts just slack off on enforcing them? Sounds like they want society to crash and burn.
Democrats looted the entire Country of its Presidency.
Democrats are looting your rights.
Democrats will loot all your money.
Six months from now, the Communism will be so entrenched, you won’t remember that capitalist businesses ever existed to BE looted.
But the Stores / Restaurants in NYC won’t let you use the bathrooms.
And some thought that the saying “liberalism is a mental disorder” was just conservative hyperbole!
Citizens of NY, NJ, MD, IL, CA,… – your leaders are shouting at you to leave through their policies. So do – just don’t vote for libs in your new states.
Yep, take away the means of self protection from the decent citizens, then encourage the criminal element to Butn Loot and Murder. Sounds like a liberal utopia.
They voted for it, so they got what they wanted. Serves them right.
It was just early celebrating of “Juneteenth”
Shoot FIRST.
Ask questions… whenever…