Trump ‘very disappointed’ with Justices Kavanaugh, Coney Barrett votes to save ObamaCare – IOTW Report

Trump ‘very disappointed’ with Justices Kavanaugh, Coney Barrett votes to save ObamaCare


Former President Trump said Monday that he’s “very disappointed” with recent votes by Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett to uphold ObamaCare. 

Trump nominated Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett to the high court during his presidency and maintained unwavering support for Kavanaugh during a bitterly contested partisan confirmation battle. 

“I fought very hard for them,” Trump told Just the News’ “Water Cooler” in an exclusive interview on Real America’s Voice. “But I was very disappointed with a number of their rulings.”  

The court’s nine justices voted 7-2 on June 17 to uphold the health care law in a case brought by Republican governors challenging the constitutionality of the law’s individual mandate in light of the 2017 elimination of the plan’s individual penalties for not purchasing insurance.

Trump also told show host David Brody that he’s not indulging second thoughts about having nominated the conservative justices to the court.  

“Second guessing does no good,” he said. “But I was disappointed with a number of rulings that they made.”

27 Comments on Trump ‘very disappointed’ with Justices Kavanaugh, Coney Barrett votes to save ObamaCare

  1. Dear President Trump – Who recommended that these two obvious stealth democrats should be appointed to the commie dominated shithole formerly known as the Supreme Court? Terrible, Terrible Choices. When I heard Coney Barrett say she gathered her children around her and cried for poor ole Thug Criminal Floyd dying of an overdose that pretty much summed up what she really is – Another democrat communist. As for Kavanaugh -he was, is, and will always be a scared punk terrified of the communist death democrats.

    Next time President Trump listen to real patriots for court recommendations.

  2. I appreciate the other posts here. I don’t have X-ray vision but I thought ac Barrett and her nomination stunk to high heaven the moment I heard it and saw it.

    The media, as the sponge head who wrote this article, would like one to believe that Kavvy and acb are conservatives.

    My posterio. they are both big city lefties who occasionally mouth defense of the constitution. How courageous.

  3. Buck- From the beginning, I didn’t think much of either Gorsuch and kavanaugh. One of them said GW’s patriot act was a good thing. Even with all the spying and restrictions it brought on us all. As I said, they have to stop selecting these judges from the same place, every time. They all know each other. All of them. It’s so gross.

  4. I was against Kev. He had the same record Roberts did! The “fight” was what military call “A stalking Horse”. A distraction, to keep conservatives from seeing how Paul R/and “The Bakersfield Bolshevik” were electing Nancy Speaker.

    It clearly worked. Some of us saw what the Ronny hating “Bush Republicans” were doing. Most could not look away from “the fight”! Kev helped GOPe make Nancy speaker; thereby getting the conservative “impeached” 2 times!

    Amy surprised me. I knew she was not as conservative as Gorsuch. But to be as far left as she is is a real shock. A sad shock!

    1, of many, reasons Don , Still much better than nye Bush!CLEARLY THE BEST PRESIDENT SINCE RONNY, is not nearly as good for Americans as Ronny was!

  5. “If only Pres. Trump had better info!”
    I think it’s dawning on us that everyone surrounding him and everyone he hired were globalists/communists.
    If Hillary had won, we would have fought against every program and idea she offered.
    Instead,Trump pushed the vaccines and we all got them.

  6. None of us knew HOW deep that swamp was until recently. I don’t mean just about RINOs and stuff. I mean ALL of it. Including the people in Trump’s office and the people in state legislatures.
    Knowing what we know now, if whatever R is in the role of the next president, well, there’s just no excuse for them not busting up deepstate.
    We see all, now. No excuses. Fire and close out depts. Make the rest so uncomfortable they run away screaming on their own.

    No more excuses, no more, “but they’ll call us names.” Fuck names.
    Everyone’s got one for everybody else. That never stops the psycho left.

  7. “President Trump said Monday that he’s “very disappointed” with recent votes by Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett”

    Welcome to the club.

  8. Re. disappointment. He sure as Hell is not alone! Don’t count on any of those newer traitorous cowards to defend the Constitution – especially the Second Amendment!

  9. Never trusted or liked Kavanagh or Barrett. Always thought of them as moderate liberal progressives.
    President Trump was wet behind the ears when he picked them – a recent conservative leaning liberal himself during his first term.
    Although Mr. Trump has done a stellar job implementing conservative ideals, he seems to be a moderate at heart. Not a he surprised he picked these two – advised or not.
    Hopefully, President Trump can distinguish between a moderate and a true conservative by now.

  10. If Trump knew then what he knows now (like we did?) things would have turned out to be different. Trump’s greatest accomplishment is exposing the scams. ALL of them.

    We now know we live in the most corrupt First World nation in the history of the Earth. That’s no exaggeration. But at least we know.

  11. If anyone posted this info up above, my apologies for the repeat info.

    POTUS Trump relied (probably) exclusively on The Federalist Society for his judge appointments and nominations. In fact I think I recall him saying as much before a friendly audience (and held up a bunch of papers stapled together).

    When I saw that I felt encouraged and relieved to know that TFS was giving him counsel and input because TFS is SUPPOSED to be an organization (begun in 1980) as a counterweight to the ABA and their Leftist bias among its members. The TFS has ~60K members nationally. But. But. Just like anything these days, who knows just how much money they get from RINOS and who knows exactly how Originalist their members truly are.

    I had a few days’ anxiety over ABC because of an expose I saw on YT and some reading I did about her, but I didn’t want to rain on the parade (although I think I questioned her conservative bone fides here at IOTWReport).

  12. Jarhed — I found the thread you mentioned. I forgot I sent my concerns to Fur! We had a productive conversation and there were many who added to Barrett’s bio.

    (Whenever I read my old comments, I sometimes don’t even recognize them as written by me. I wonder: “When did I have the energy to write that?!” LOL!)


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