Kamala To Make Sudden Run To the Border Before Trump Delegation – IOTW Report

Kamala To Make Sudden Run To the Border Before Trump Delegation

Fox News

Kamala Harris heading to border Friday after months of bipartisan criticism
Vice President Kamala Harris is set to visit the U.S.-Mexico border on Friday, the White House confirmed, amid mounting criticism from both Republicans and some Democrats for not yet doing so, following her appointment by President Biden to handle the “root causes” of migration. More

Why the sudden change of heart on visiting her area of responsibility? Donald Trump is leading a delegation of republican congressmen to the border next week. Here

12 Comments on Kamala To Make Sudden Run To the Border Before Trump Delegation

  1. Finally! Now we will get to the very bottom of what is causing all those huddled masses yearning to live in the shadows, doing jobs lazy Americans don’t want to do, waiting to drop anchor babies, and signing up to vote for the political party that cares for them. I can hear Kalamity’s kackle already.

  2. veep throat doesn’t want to go. She will show how undiplomatic and dumb she is when she tries to speak authoritatively in public.
    betcha dr jill told her to go- “…maybe you have to swallow a little bit”

  3. I just read that 2 sisters in India, one named Kamala, were raised by wolves and are described as “feral children”, who took on the characteristics of wolves and could not be re-introduced to human society.

    OK, they were discovered in 1920…..but a nice coincidence anyway.


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