Do You Like Ballet? – IOTW Report

Do You Like Ballet?

He looks like my sister’s cat, Pistol, right down to the floofy toes.

We call Pistol “Star Toes”. But he’s not quite this graceful!

12 Comments on Do You Like Ballet?

  1. Kcir, I’ll remember not to tell my daughter that as our yellow tabby Finn sleeps with her. And what’s up with cats always batting things around, if he can move it with his feet he’ll bat it around all over the place and chase it until he gets tired of being a goofball.

  2. @Al

    Yes, they’ll eat people but usually dead people who died in their houses and were’nt discovered for a while. Dogs have done that also. Probably any animal would. But I think house cats can’t kill a human. Too small. They were made to kill rodents and birds. Who knows if they even think of doing it.

  3. I honestly do not want to offend anyone here but after 35 years of fixing furnaces in peoples homes, almost everyone keeps the Cat Shit Box right next to the furnace where I have to work.

    It would not bother me that much if they would move & empty it before I show up but hell no.

    They are right there with 10 to 20 coilers and sand everywhere.

    “Excuse me! Could you please take off you boots before you enter our house sir?” FFS

    Nothing like kitty litter on you socks at 50 plus years of age.

  4. His allègro was on point, but was a little shaky on the chassè.

    I had a cat that would chew my hair and purr very loudly in my ear if he thought I was sleeping past his appointed breakfast time.
    My dog, she just waits by her dish and doesn’t abuse me if I sleep in a little.


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