Does Anyone Serious Think Biden Controls The Launch Codes? – IOTW Report

Does Anyone Serious Think Biden Controls The Launch Codes?

Red State

Biden went over the slide when he was trying to encourage people to get vaccinated [during yesterday’s press conference].

Biden was describing why he thought some African Americans were reluctant to get vaccinated because they were remembering when the “Tuskegee Airmen” were experimented on. Once again, Biden had no idea what he was talking about. He was confusing the Tuskegee Airmen – the famous black pilot contingent that fought during World War II – and the Tuskegee Study – an abominably unethical syphilis study where public health officials told black men they were being treated but then didn’t treat them. More

15 Comments on Does Anyone Serious Think Biden Controls The Launch Codes?

  1. Jill.

    Jill, How come you always have that suitcase with you?
    You never had a suitcase before.
    What do you mean is like a purse. Then why do you have a purse then? Over there.
    Okay, okay, alright then.
    You sit at the desk there and I’ll go see about some chocolate ship ice cream. Now where did they put that figeratir. Fridge. the fridge.
    Jill! Where the hell is the fridge. There isn’t one? Oh, there is but I can’t go there.
    Someone has to bring me the ice cream.
    Is it the Black Girl who is always standing around?
    Where is she anyway?
    Texas and Mexico? At the same time? How?
    The boarder. Are we renting out the other place to boarders now?
    But we were just there Jill with the dogs.
    Waddaya mean there’s one left?

    I’m tired. Where’s the fridge?

  2. It actually would be a good time to attack the US with a massive wave of nukes. We’d be toast before they could get Biden’s finger on the nuke trigger. An considering that freak General Milley is in charge, he’d probably be in Red China sunning himself (with Fauci and Le Bron James) just as the attack began.

  3. @Anonymous
    Miley Cyrus would make a better General.
    That man’s latest speech was horrific.
    Putin is Having the expensive Caviar tonight & on a Zoom call with Winnie the flu Xi of ChYnA.

  4. Sure he does.
    I don’t watch him, but I’d guess the “football” goes with him wherever he travels.
    He’s the perfect stooge – retarded by dementia – completely obedient – and can’t remember anything, so in the event that he IS held to account he can honestly say he doesn’t have any idea what he’s being interrogated about.
    And he will launch when (and if) his handlers tell him.

    izlamo delenda est …


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