Black Conservative Says the Right is Losing the Debate Against CRT Because Prominent Right-Wing Black Voices Are Ill-Prepared on Facts – IOTW Report

Black Conservative Says the Right is Losing the Debate Against CRT Because Prominent Right-Wing Black Voices Are Ill-Prepared on Facts

Wayne Dupree says –

If You Don’t Know How To Explain Your Protest Of CRT, Sit Down And Give Mic To Someone Else!

Conservatives voices who have been propped up by social media are being given a chance to explain why they are against CRT, and they are bombing at it.

Marc Lamont Hill is a loudmouth liberal who enjoys speaking progressive talking points and usually picks out the weakest voices to prove he’s smarter than the conservative movement as a whole. He has been bringing on black voices to explain why they are against CRT, and it’s been a complete joke. Vernon Jones and CJ Pearson have failed to explain their reasoning for being against it, and I can’t be the only one who sees this happening.

I like Vernon and have interviewed him a couple of times but not breaking down the problems of CRT for a liberal audience was disappointing. As a black man watching another black man failed to explain his position, knowing he’s a candidate for Georgia’s Governor’s seat poses a serious question for me. Is this thing serious.


I think Dupree has a bit of a point. It’s not just black conservative voices, I’ve seen it happen with white people too.

Often I will se a link that says “So and So DESTROYS So and So in debate on CRT,” only to click on the link and nothing of the sort happened.

You know when it will be appropriate to write “destroyed” in a link? When we take back control of the educational system. Until then, no one on the right is “destroying” anyone on the left.

9 Comments on Black Conservative Says the Right is Losing the Debate Against CRT Because Prominent Right-Wing Black Voices Are Ill-Prepared on Facts

  1. Shant Mesrobian
    Feb 25
    The reason why so many extremely woke people turn out to have been bigoted in the past is because bigotry used to be the best way to bully and intimidate people, but now performative anti-bigotry is the best way to bully and intimidate people. An evolving toolset for sociopaths.

  2. CRT is a diversion, an excuse to explain away the failures of black culture in society. Because of long held resentment they refuse to allow themselves to interweave with other races. That culture of resentment manifests in animosity and criminal behavior toward others.
    The very same behavior gets them misplaced and ill advised concessions from government which reinforces their actions.
    The last thing anyone should do is allow them to live by different standards.

  3. Most media and teachers, etc won’t give airtime or space to black (real) conservatives.
    Let’s see these leftists debate Thomas Sowell or Larry Elder.

  4. NOBODY can ‘debate’ the CRT issue for a fundamental reason. It’s based on LIES, EMOTIONS and IRRATIONALITY. It’s NOT POSSIBLE to debate the subject because it
    is a collection of garbage being bandied about by insane morons and agenda driven criminals who are NOT INTERESTED in facts or reality. Attempting to “debate” them on the issue only serve to give them more ‘air time’ to scream their insanities at the worls.

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