Dems Quick To Flag Gay Football Hero – IOTW Report

Dems Quick To Flag Gay Football Hero


Since announcing that he is a homosexual, Carl Nassib, NFL defensive end with the Las Vegas Raiders, has received praise from President Joe Biden and the establishment media.

However, when rumors started to fly that Nassib is a Republican — and could have been a supporter of former President Donald Trump — his newly minted hero status hit a snag. More

10 Comments on Dems Quick To Flag Gay Football Hero

  1. I really don’t care if he is gay or not. But it is funny as hell the democRATS first support him then turn against him when the discover he is a Trump supporter. The democraps/liberals/progressives are the biggest haters and hypocrites in our country.

  2. One of the queer twitter freaks that commented has this as part of his avatar: Queer Dominance is Liberation.

    Just acceptance is no longer enough for these Satanists, they want dominance.

  3. Do Not Care about his sexuality.

    As I said Before:
    1) save your money and invest it
    2) have a good career
    3) get out before your brain becomes mush (use Biden as a metric)

  4. He got his 5 minutes of fame for his perversion and another 10 minutes for the flaming he got for not being a socialist democrat.
    Your 15 minutes are up. I don’t care to hear another word !

  5. I Fucking Hate Soccer!

    Cry Fucking Babies than make NFL Receivers & Lebron look manculine. Man Bun Wearing EuroFemTrash!

    Euro Cup was On and Tried to watch one game. Fell asleep and woke up 75 min latter to start smoking The ribs & potatoes. Still 0-0 Italy vs Austria.

    Nothing like the NHL. Take a piss and the whole flow of the game changes Plus Blood on the Ice!

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