Looking Past Biden, Who Becomes Harris’ VP? – IOTW Report

Looking Past Biden, Who Becomes Harris’ VP?

Jack Cashill takes a serious look into a future where the dems finally cut Joe loose from dragging them all down and install Kamala Harris in the oval office. What then? Who does Harris select as her replacement as second banana? The options are, it turns out, limited. Here

28 Comments on Looking Past Biden, Who Becomes Harris’ VP?

  1. Hmm…my dollar is on that moonbat from Hawaii, hirono. Because you already have the so called black box checked, now you need a different flavor of loon.

  2. Just a guess, but my bet is that DNC has this all planned out and will march the appropriate candidate through any opposition.
    Any ideas on whom that may be? I can’t think of a particular person, but she will certainly be one who does as she is told, same as Joe and Kamala.

  3. You’re over thinking it.

    Nancy Pelosi.

    Then they remove Harris on Constitutional grounds. (The Democrats use the Constitution like the devil uses the Bible, only when it suits them, and only to let a greater evil occurr).

    End result, President Pelosi.

    Then the spiteful revenge comes so hard from her that we never even GET to who’s HER vice president, nor does anyone CARE any more than they cared who would succeed Hitler…

  4. it will probably be hunter. Its his turn.
    they don’t have a pedophilic crack addled drug addict in a high office, so my money’s on him.
    Or maybe that piece of modern science that wroks (not a typo) for the department of health.
    They have so many good picks, I’m sure they’ll make it a winner

  5. I still think they’re going stick with Biden until 2023, unless he dies. And even if that happens, they’ll stick with him for a week before they tell us he’s dead. And I think Biden will live out his term, even if he Captain Pikes.

    I honestly thought Hillary would be dead a year into Trump’s term, and yet here we are speculating on her as VP. None of these assholes know when to quit, and nobody can make them quit.

  6. True, per the constitution, Kamelface is not qualified to be president, but we are now living in a post-constitutional era. Don’t count on the SCOTUS to do the right thing.

  7. Hey Geoff, here in Shelton the breeze picked up, temp is in the 70’s. I think the worst might be over. While I was driving around today I had a couple readings of 115F.

  8. The plan all along was to get Harris president and Hillary VP, and have Harris bumped off. I’m surprised they haven’t used the 25th Amendment on Biden yet; I thought they’d have done it by last March.

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