Is the CDC Trolling Everyone? They Can’t Be This Stupid – IOTW Report

Is the CDC Trolling Everyone? They Can’t Be This Stupid

I thought this was a joke, and I set out to try and debunk it.

Nope. It’s true. The CDC has used the “NPC Meme” to spread the word about masks and jabbing.

The NPC Meme* was actually banned by twitter because the right has used it to show how brain dead the left is.

  • WIKI-
  • …derived from Non-Player Character in video games and from role playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons, is an Internet meme that represents people who do not think for themselves or do not make their own decisions; it is also known as NPC Wojak.

In October 2018, users of r/The_Donald, a large subreddit that supported United States President Donald Trump,[17] coordinated in creating accounts presented as NPCs on the American microblogging and social networking service Twitter.[7] According to The Week, the accounts spread “bland, politically correct messages intended to mimic and provoke liberal pronouncements”.[5] Following the mass creation of NPC Twitter accounts, the term “NPC” was used over 30,000 times on Twitter in a time span of 24 hours.[7] Twitter responded to the event by banning more than 1,500 of its users presenting themselves as NPCs.[5] The created accounts typically used profile pictures of NPC with slight modifications, such as colorful hair or partially covering masks.[4] According to one or more anonymous sources quoted by The Week and The New York Times, the users were banned for violating a term of use by Twitter against “intentionally misleading election-related content”, ahead of the United States 2018 midterm election.[4][5] The claim that NPC memes were used to spread misinformation about the 2018 United States midterm election is also reported by other news agencies, including The Verge,[1] BBC[7] and The Independent,[2] although no examples are presented. The decision by Twitter to remove NPC accounts has upset many conservatives according to BBC,[7] and following a review of Twitter’s banning of accounts, the conservative nonprofit media watchdog Media Research Center raised the concern that Twitter was upholding a double standard favoring the political left.[16]

19 Comments on Is the CDC Trolling Everyone? They Can’t Be This Stupid

  1. My guess is the CDC had no clue about the NPC meme because of the overwhelming and complete censorship in the media. It’s a kevlar bubble they live in.

  2. Also, I read something recently, the gist of which was that mass reproduced graphic art for public service publications like this, and for many brochures and magazine covers, all have the same garish, blocky, infantile look because it is generated on computers by lazy no-talent graphic designers who all use the same software. I guess you could say they’re all NPC’s. Dammit, I wish I could find that link.

  3. Get this. Last year, a court in Portugal ruled that people can’t be detained based on pcr tests, because the test use cycles that make the test a joke. Bravo for that court telling the truth.
    Now another court in Portugal has ruled that the country’s death count is a joke.
    From an Americanthinker article today the 28th:

    Following a citizen’s petition, a Lisbon court was forced to provide verified COVID-19 mortality data, reports

    According to the ruling, the number of verified COVID-19 deaths from January 2020 to April 2021 is only 152, not about 17,000 as claimed by government ministries.

    All the “others” died for various reasons, although their PCR test was positive.

    “We live in a fraud of unprecedented dimensions,” wrote Dias.

  4. Laugh now, because when the WHO convinces everyone who is fully vaccinated that they’re susceptible to catching DELTA virus and must resume wearing masks and distancing, there’s going be sh!t hitting fans all over America.

    Personally, those “Vax-me-Vax-me-NOW” fools deserve this ankle-grabbing new mandate. Enjoy the ride people.

    I feel for you, but I can’t reach you!

  5. The jab isn’t a cure – it should be called the death jab instead. People are wising up and telling Fauci Flu to “F” off. Those who got the jab are freaking out – at least the ones I know. I can only listen to their rant and spare them the “I told you so” routine. Because this covid was lab manufactured, it’s going to be with us for a long, long time. If it were naturally made, it would have ran its course just like the Spanish Fly did. Covid was designed to mutate.

  6. This is why I don’t want DiSantis going anywhere anytime soon. If, say, Charlie Crist gets back in the saddle down here, Florida will do a 180 on everything, including this evil globalist BS.

    And I’ll tell you this. You may think it’s crazy but if masks get reinstated then, at some point, somewhere, there’s going to be a mask tax. Tell me it can’t happen. I dare you.

  7. @Godenfoxx: “…Covid was designed to mutate.”

    every virus does. It is what viruses do.
    And they’re smarter than fauci or gates, neither of which will ever be smart enough to predict mutation. It is a totally different form of intelligence.
    Remember ‘it is not nice to fool Mother Nature’ ?

  8. ^^^ “…the old wallet on a string trick!”

    I heard of putting a bobcat in a suitcase and leaving it at a city bus stop, for an easy drive-by snatching.

  9. I like it Billy.
    I may try that the next time we set up the local meth heads with a fake catalytic converter.
    Put the suitcase in a spot where it’sd contents get “spilled”.

  10. Goldenfoxx,
    “Spanish Fly”? Kinky…..
    (I know you meant “Spanish FLU”, the “Y” and the “U” are next to each other on the keyboard. Funny anyway)

  11. RE: Delta virus

    They must all be asleep to fall for the “Delta Variant” cause when you’re asleep, that’s the ONLY time your brain will show the “Delta Waves”…

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