Biden Still Creepy – He’s Whispering Again – IOTW Report

Biden Still Creepy – He’s Whispering Again

I don’t like hearing the voice he uses when he says, “don’t tell mommy about this, this is our little secret.”

Hey Joe, the “stuff” you “give” to the super wealthy is not yours. The government does not generate wealth, it takes it from people who generate wealth.

You may call sending checks to people a “tax break,” but it’s not. Why collect taxes only to send it back? Wouldn’t a, I dunno, tax break be a good way to give a tax break?

13 Comments on Biden Still Creepy – He’s Whispering Again

  1. He’s telling us the “secret wisdom” stuff he’s learned over the last 40 years in Congress, you know, the stuff everybody knows but never says.

    What a dolty old senile are whole he is.

  2. What hell Goddamned business does any arm of Government have in taking so much as a wooden fucking nickel from any American and giving anything to anyone… period. Full stop. …and especially “foreign aid” to Goddamn terrorists.

  3. Also makes me wonder just how much world leaders know about Biden and his involvement (and/or connection) with the 2020 election.

    It is also very concerning that many of the things he’s personally(?), and/or others, have done, through EOs and other back-door tricks so far AGAINST America and Americans, make him appear more like a mortal enemy than a president of this country.

  4. Hey Joey – the “Trump Tax Break” was a real tax break, and it included EVERYONE, including “ordinary people”. Wait a minute, since when are rich people not ordinary? Most of the high earners I have talked with have the same flaws us ordinary people do


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