Entitled People Don’t Take Setbacks Gracefully – IOTW Report

Entitled People Don’t Take Setbacks Gracefully

Scientific America

Defeat is never fun, but losing a game of poker is less painful when it’s due to the luck of the draw rather than an opponent who’s cheating. Unfairness fires people up, whereas bad luck just disappoints.

But interestingly, this isn’t true for everyone. In a series of studies, we found that people who have higher levels of psychological entitlement—who believe they deserve good things—actually felt victimized and angered when they experienced, remembered or imagined bad luck befalling them. More

We use to call people like this spoiled, for a reason. – Dr. Tar

18 Comments on Entitled People Don’t Take Setbacks Gracefully

  1. My mind immediately went to Hillary on the night of her defeat by Trump.
    That film of her on that night has to be buried 100 feet below the FBI building!

  2. Throw envy into the mix and all hell breaks loose whenever they don’t get their way. Perpetual babies and spoiled rotten brats is what the progressive movement has been grooming and it is what they have got.

  3. They steal an election and then riot and burn down everything (it’s coming) when they get caught and have to give it up. At the same time claim it what was stolen from them and how wrong it is. The devil, I mean the Democrats never change their playbook.
    Weird, just like every thief and robber.

  4. Reminds me of my DIL at her wedding to my son. The tantrums…….!

  5. The concept of gratitude being a virtue that is totally lost on leftists.

    I have pointed out how they have inculcated their followers with the notion that the grave sin of envy is in fact a virtue, exploited that to stoke resentment and then used those who bought into it to hate anyone and everyone who has anything they feel they themselves are more deserving of and therefore have been cheated out of. It doesn’t much examination to see how they have pulled the same slight of hand with the Cardinal Virtues.

    These bastards are actively and openly hostile to The Good. They freely and willingly serve the Dark Prince. Any and all of their claims regarding their virtuous nature have been derived from a sick and twisted reordering of what has been recognized by Christians as sin and what has been recognized as virtue since year one.


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