AOC Wants To Shut Down 20% of Puerto Rico’s Energy Supply – IOTW Report

AOC Wants To Shut Down 20% of Puerto Rico’s Energy Supply

What happened to the great concern for her aunt, or grandmother, or whoever the political pawn was? AOC is not concerned with her pawn’s AOC.. er… AC. She wants to shut down a coal plant that provides 1/5th of Puerto Rico’s energy.


During a Thursday hearing for the House Natural Resources Committee, the lawmaker expressed a desire to close down AES Puerto Rico’s coal plant in Guayama, which — according to Center for Industrial Progress founder Alex Epstein, who testified before the committee — provides 20% of the power for the “electricity-challenged island.”

“I tried to convince her that this would be beyond devastating to the people of Puerto Rico,” he said on Twitter.

13 Comments on AOC Wants To Shut Down 20% of Puerto Rico’s Energy Supply

  1. Our nation’s enemies only have to wait on the progressives to bring it to failure,then step in and take over. We will never be a global leading super power again unless someone like president Trump rectifies the mess we’re getting into before it is past fixing.which it probably is because of the brainwashed,braindead,brainless left.

  2. I have stated in no uncertain terms that in my experience “progressives” are deliberately, gratuitously, systematically destructive. That applies individually as well as collectively.

    They bastardize every concept of progress that the western world has recognized and flourished under in the modern era.

    They are envy stoked, resentful and hate filled enemies of The Good and their contempt and hate for humanity knows no limit. They exist to serve their Dark Prince in a deliberate, systematic effort to increase innocent human suffering, misery and death. This explains their contempt and hatred for America, the best chance for innocent human beings to escape suffering, misery and death the world has ever witnessed.

    With all due respect. None. Having cast their lot in service to their Dark Prince, they have willingly and knowingly reduced themselves to the status of being unworthy of any respect whatsoever due to beings born in the image of God.

  3. Why would she support and promote something like this? Only one reason I can think of… to get massive wind farms and solar farms into Puerto Rico… and massive kickbacks for her.

  4. These Socialist/Communist/Progressives have no skills to do anything, so like petulant children they try to drag anything that is productive and successful down to their level of absolute SUCK so they can get ahead!

  5. Progressive politicians have absolutely no concept of future consequences. They also have no skills or intelligence, and rely upon people much smarter than they are to bail them out of the inevitable disasters their programs cause.

    AOC may actually have no idea what 20% of anything is. Power grids can be complex things, but I would be surprised if AOC can even spell “power grid.” And consequences to the people of Puerto Rico from AOC’s actions are completely beyond her capabilities.

    Fortunately, the same New Yorkers who sent this intellectual light weight to Congress also voted (probably many times) for a lackluster President with dementia, so they must like this kind of thing.

  6. “Progressive politicians have absolutely no concept of future consequences.”

    Like hell!! They know full well what they are up to. Their claims of being motivated by empathy and compassion are abject bullshit. I’ve sat like a fly on the wall and listened to their envy stoked discussions and they are well aware of what they desire. They do not have any intention of ending oppression, they absolutely lust after the opportunity to become among the oppressors. They have absolutely no concept of what American is about. The rotten sonsabitches are well aware of what they are after.

  7. This is going to happen everywhere in this once great nation if these Democrat tyrants get their way. It will be power rationing “for our own good” in order to save the planet. It is also a form of population control for people who rely on machines in order to survive. Cutting their electricity will solve that problem quickly. Of course, it would NEVER affect any of the Democrats or members of their families, because they make the rules & do not have to follow them like the commoners must.

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