What Did Bill Clinton Really Do on Those ‘Lolita Express’ Trips? Records Release May Reveal the Truth – IOTW Report

What Did Bill Clinton Really Do on Those ‘Lolita Express’ Trips? Records Release May Reveal the Truth

PJM: A federal judge in New York has ruled that many of the personal records of Ghislaine Maxwell, partner to accused sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein, be released in the next two weeks. Those records will almost certainly implicate some powerful men such as Prince Andrew and former president Bill Clinton. Clinton reportedly took dozens of flights on Epstein’s private plane, dubbed the “Lolita Express,” referring to the underage girls who stayed on the late financier’s island playground.

The release of the records is related to a defamation suit filed against Maxwell by Virginia Roberts Giuffre that was settled in 2017. But the sealed records contained information that Giuffre’s lawyers needed. The judge had to weigh whether the release would impact Maxwell’s defense at her coming trial on sex trafficking charges.

Judge Loretta Preska ruled that the release would not substantially harm Maxwell’s defense and could go forward. more here

18 Comments on What Did Bill Clinton Really Do on Those ‘Lolita Express’ Trips? Records Release May Reveal the Truth

  1. Virginia Robert’s Giuffre is one very brave woman. I hope she gets the justice she deserves, and all the truth about events on Little St. James Island come out.

  2. The leftist media only reports on leftist who are no longer necessary to the cause or have become expendable. Depending on how much dirt the Clintons still have on people, there’s a chance.

  3. What Did Bill Clinton Really Do on Those ‘Lolita Express’ Trips?

    Let’s see…you have Bill Clinton, with his legendary proclivities, dropped on an island filled with beautiful, under-aged girls, groomed as sex slaves. Now what would he be doing there?

    Where is Colombo when we need him?

  4. It doesn’t matter.

    Proof, with pictures and video, would be ignored by the DoJ and the Media.

    Only a handful will know (as they already do) and the rest of the world will keep its head up its ass.

    Just like with the stolen election and that Usurping Presidunce – everybody’s too busy.

    izlamo delenda est …


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