Mom Says Naked Transgender ‘with Beard & Penis’ Got in Hot Tub with 6-Year-Old: Woman speaks out against LA spa where violent riots broke out over similar issue – IOTW Report

Mom Says Naked Transgender ‘with Beard & Penis’ Got in Hot Tub with 6-Year-Old: Woman speaks out against LA spa where violent riots broke out over similar issue

Neon Nettle: A mom has spoken out against the controversial Los Angeles spa, that saw violent rioting during the weekend over its transgender policy, claiming her family has suffered a disturbing experience.

Speaking Sunday, the woman says a naked biological male transgender “with a beard and penis” got into the hot tub with her six-year-old daughter when they visited the Wi Spa on Wilshire Boulevard in January 2020.

Accoridng to the unidentified mother, the transgender did not make “any attempt to look like a woman whatsoever” and was allowed to expose themself to the young child without being challenged by staff.

The mom claims she and her six-year-old daughter were enjoying their outing to the spa together when a “naked” transgender “with a beard” sat on the edge of the hot tub where they were soaking and exposed his genitals to the young child. 

“We got into the hot tub, my little six-year-old daughter and I, and we were having a great time, we were in there with other women, when a person, I guess, with a penis and a beard came over with two girlfriends,” she recounted. 

The transgender with the penis, she said, then sat down naked with his genitals on display in front of her daughter. more here

17 Comments on Mom Says Naked Transgender ‘with Beard & Penis’ Got in Hot Tub with 6-Year-Old: Woman speaks out against LA spa where violent riots broke out over similar issue

  1. Exactly who is going to be on the right side of history. Everyone knows what this is and it is time we the people run these sick perverts out of the women’s bathrooms, changing rooms and locker rooms along with any place else they dare show up to expose themselves.

  2. “I’m a registered Democrat, I’ve been to gay pride, I have no problem with gay people I have no problem with trans people,” she said.”This is different. This is different.“

    No, this is what you voted for when you “have no problem” with trans people. You accept aberrant behavior and force others to celebrate deviance … that is, until it’s your six year-old being forced to tolerate someone else’s mental illness.

  3. His spirit and soul would need to be turned 90 degrees from everywhere to improve the quality of life for the still living innocent ‘normies’!!!

  4. If every woman doesn’t quit the spa en masse they are letting it happen to themselves and they shouldn’t complain.
    – They HAVE to make the businesses that abuse them pay

  5. …I don’t go to spas, but I’ve been in several hotels with hot tubs available to all guests, and it would be an INSTANT ejection without refund if you tried to get in it naked no matter WHAT you plumbing was.

    I don’t see why a “spa” would be any different. Unless it’s a “happy ending” kind of sleaze place, you go be naked at HOME.

    And if it IS a “happy ending” sleaze place, maybe they should at least WARN people with six year olds…

  6. To me, this type of shit is a challenge from them to us in order to see how much SHIT they can pull.

    Nip it in the bud, smash their face, reset the clock and move on.

    Just like a spoiled child; as long as they get away with it…..the more they do it.

  7. “My daughter is six years old, and she was nude, and this person wasn’t making any attempt to look like a woman whatsoever.”

    Why the hell is this woman and her 6 yr old daughter naked in a public spa?


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