Watch: John Kerry Violates Mask Mandate Once Again – IOTW Report

Watch: John Kerry Violates Mask Mandate Once Again

Do as we say, not as we do.


“In photos, Kerry can be seen walking through an airport body scanner without wearing a mask. The source who provided the photos said they were taken at 11:41 a.m. on Monday at Logan Airport,” reports the news outlet.

Masks are required “any time someone is inside the airport or on an aircraft,” according to TSA rules, a spokeswoman for Logan Airport clarified.

Exemptions are only allowed for people with health issues or children under the age of two. First-time violators face a $250 fine, with repeat offenders facing a $1,500 fine.

Kerry himself is a repeat offender, having been photographed without wearing his mask almost immediately after boarding a first class flight from Boston to DC.

The former presidential candidate attempted to dismiss the first controversy by labeling it “malarkey.”

“Let’s be clear: If I dropped my mask to one ear on a flight, it was momentary,” Kerry tweeted on March 17. “I wear my mask because it saves lives and stops the spread. It’s what the science tells us to do.”


17 Comments on Watch: John Kerry Violates Mask Mandate Once Again

  1. Nah. He’s OK.

    Exemptions are only allowed for people with health issues…

    He qualifies. Willard’s compounded stupidity, arrogance, entitlement, and elitism are best thought of as a terminal illness.

    …or children under the age of two.

    Again he qualifies due to his effective intellectual and emotional age.

  2. “Let’s be clear: If I dropped my mask to one ear on a flight, it was momentary,” Kerry tweeted on March 17. “I wear my mask because it saves lives and stops the spread. It’s what the science tells us to do.”



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