The Problem Isn’t That A Teacher Taught Masturbation to 1st Graders, It’s That It Falls Within Accepted Standards and Guidelines – IOTW Report

The Problem Isn’t That A Teacher Taught Masturbation to 1st Graders, It’s That It Falls Within Accepted Standards and Guidelines


  • Educators rushed to defend a former teacher at an elite New York City school who taught “pornography literacy” to high schoolers and showed first graders a cartoon about masturbation.
  • “It’s OK to touch yourself and see how different body parts feel, but it’s best to only do it in private,” the narrator of the cartoon said. Fonte defended herself by saying that the class never used the actual word “masturbation,” though the cartoon discussed how it feels good to touch one’s genitals.
  • “I equip them with a way that they can exercise body agency and consent, by knowing exactly what those parts are, what they are called, and how to take care of them,” the former Dalton teacher told the Times. 

The school’s head Bill Donohue told the Times that he understood the lecture would be under the topic “Healthy Sexuality Workshop,” but Fonte’s sex education prompted parents to take their grievances about her explicit material to the New York Post. The publication reported that Fonte’s slides discussed “incest-themed” porn, consensual or “vanilla” porn, “barely legal” porn, “kink and BDSM” porn, “waterboard electro” torture porn, and more.

But educators defended the teacher’s methods to the New York Times, saying that she did not teach anything inappropriate and that her methods were in line with both National Sex Education Standards and the World Health Organization’s International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education, standards used in public schools in New York City.


Oh, well if it falls within the standards then there isn’t anything wrong with it.

We all stand corrected.


16 Comments on The Problem Isn’t That A Teacher Taught Masturbation to 1st Graders, It’s That It Falls Within Accepted Standards and Guidelines

  1. Because you can’t figure it out on your own can You?

    You need to be taught, certified, and licensed to Smack the Baloney by a Unionized Professional.

  2. It would be interesting to get a look at some of these whacked school board officials financials and see just exactly how much money China is paying them. Newsmax was reporting this morning that elected school board officials are being recalled in waves. About damn time.

  3. “The publication reported that Fonte’s slides discussed “incest-themed” porn, consensual or “vanilla” porn, “barely legal” porn, “kink and BDSM” porn, “waterboard electro” torture porn, and more.”

    What’s next, instructions on the Cincinnati Bowtie, the Cleveland Steamer, the Angry Pirate, and the Hot Carl?

  4. Go to your School Board meeting and ask the Board members the most personal and intimate questions. Then demand an answer. You have every right to ask them about their personal practices, and demand an answer, that is what they signed up for. When they opened this can of worms they collectively forfeit any expectation that such questions are irrelevant, off limits or none of your business. They collectively set policies and approved “curriculum” that made it your business to drill down into each of their personal practices.

  5. Why is it surprising to anyone to see further examples of education workers proselytizing to students in their care to conform to cultural standards they wish to cultivate; sexual mores, race, equity, the unfairness of the free markets, the evils of America’s past, victimization capital, it’s all on the agenda.

    It’s not like Randi Weingarten has not been crystal clear in her mission to remake the country.

    Here is a couple that donated a large sum to their local Catholic school, only to feel betrayed because the school teaches CRT, they should pay more attention to where their charitable dollars go;

    Homeschooling is the only answer but is not practical for the vast majority of parents so as it stands now, the new generation will hate their country, expect big government to take care of them, welcome immigrant invasion, and be good little supplicants, obediently doing what they are told and bowing down to their betters.

  6. @Ted Nougat, lol!

    Mississippi birdbath, Leningrad steamer, Bob sledding, Spicy gringo, Blumpkin plunger, Bloody mary, Nigerian hurricane, Kentucky tractor puller, Bus driver, The unicorn, Canadian porch swing, The hickory switch, Double dutch rudder, Hot richard, Chuck norris, Milwaukee blizzard, Boston george… and, the Ted Nugent.

  7. Home schooling and start paying the parents to educate their children. ,Teachers believe in teaching immorals to some one else’s kids.Hopmee schooling should be ab option for parents.

  8. A long time ago I was pretty sure that Common Core was simply a method of mentally screwing up the minds of next generation so that they could not think straight and would not be productive. Now with everything else; CRT, Marxism, White Supremacy, homosexuality, etc. I am absolutely CONVINCED that the end goal is to fcuk up the minds of the next generation! How long are we going to let these Communists play willy-nilly with our children’s minds???


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