Watch: Something Seriously Wrong With Biden – This is No Longer a Joke – He Cannot Gather Thoughts – IOTW Report

Watch: Something Seriously Wrong With Biden – This is No Longer a Joke – He Cannot Gather Thoughts

35 Comments on Watch: Something Seriously Wrong With Biden – This is No Longer a Joke – He Cannot Gather Thoughts

  1. It has never been a joke. but he’s not going anywhere. They’ve got too much invested in him, and nobody is seeing any of this but us. I think we’re in “Less Woodrow, More Edith” territory now.

  2. President Pudding-For-Brains– and to think that 80 million people dead and alive (mostly dead, I suspect) elected that addled brain as leader of the free world.

  3. Hmmm…

    “Many of the highest-ranking members of the Biden administration came from the same shadowy firm. It is a relatively new name among revolving-door power brokers in Washington D.C., which makes it all the more surprising… Founded in 2017, WestExec describes itself as a “diverse group of senior national security professionals with the most recent experience at the highest levels of the U.S. government.”

    Who’s got the football?

  4. I can’t think of even one person of this regime who can speak at a 6th grade level. I thought Psaki was bad, but that spokesperson at the state department should be fired. He’s awful. It’s easy to excuse joeidiot because he really isn’t there. He is an empty sock puppet. Take the controlling hand away and he’ll flip and flop on his way to the ground.

    A new citizen of America, who has English as a second language speaks more clearly and concisely than any member of the Biden clown show.

    Absolutely shameful. And they are spending money like drunken sailors on shore leave. Including on the same things, booze and whores with plenty of debauchery.

    Crime is up, riots are up, unemployment….huh! The ignorant, lazy criminals know a good free handout when they see it and if they don’t see a handout they just stomp on everyone and TAKE it.

    They are morally corrupting our children. WHERE ARE THE PARENTS?

    obamination started this ‘entitled’ crap. If you build a business, ‘you didn’t build’ it alone. Therefore it is not yours. Your house is not yours, your family is not yours, your medical records are not yours. Hmmmm, SOUNDS LIKE COMMUNISM TO ME.

  5. I’d assume he missed his usual nap and hasn’t benefited from a “lid” for some time now. Fatigue makes his cognitive decline more pronounced and of course he loses ground every day in his battle to stay coherent.

    His handlers would be reckless to every let this man appear with other foreign leaders outside the WH and out of their control.

  6. Every time this Buffoon blinked or tripped over his the words I yelled out “BRAIN FART!” I couldn’t watch the whole thing, but musta yelled “BRAIN FART” 30 times!

  7. Try again –
    Every time this Buffoon blinked or tripped over his the words I yelled out “BRAIN FART!” I couldn’t watch the whole thing, but musta yelled “BRAIN FART” 30 times!

  8. And as far as leaving HIM “in charge” is concerned, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Pelosi, et al, have made a deal with China re: relatively unopposed invasions of our country.

  9. I watched this on NBC and he was just smooth as silk. Their delay was about 6 seconds. They have got to have a really good algorithm for him to be that smooth

  10. Please stop posting Ian Miles Cheong. It does not take very long to search on him and discover that he has been on all sides of the ideological map. He is a filthy grifter, an opportunist, and so very way not one of us. I expect better from IOTW and I post this because I care.

  11. Ain’t that the shits? China gave the democrats billions to turn on America. Joestalin Biden no longer knows the value of his share of the money. Hunter is going to blow all his money on hookers, drugs, and Chinese blackmailers. Gawd knows what the Obamas, Clintons, Kerrys, Pelosis, and Schumers are going to do with their treasonous treasure.

  12. The ONLY reason that senile pedo Joe and the ho are in power is because of massive voter fraud.

    Joe and the ho know that the election was rigged. Nasty Pelosi knows the election was rigged. Chuck U. Schumer knows the election was rigged. Shithead Schiff knows the election was rigged. All of the DemocRATs know the election was rigged. The entire left-tard media knows the election was rigged. Anyone with half a brain knows the election was rigged. PRESIDENT TRUMP AND HIS SUPPORTERS KNOW THE ELECTION WAS RIGGED.


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