Democrat Roundly Mocked For Donating Suit Worn On January 6th To Smithsonian – IOTW Report

Democrat Roundly Mocked For Donating Suit Worn On January 6th To Smithsonian


Democrats will never let you forget the January 6 Capitol riot, and soon, the Smithsonian won’t either. 

In a statement to CBS Philadelphia, Melinda Machado, director for the Office of Communications and Marketing from the National Museum of American History, said the museum is undertaking a “collecting initiative to continue to assess now and in the future what historians and the public will know about Jan. 6, 2021.”

While we don’t know what the future exhibit will look like exactly, we can take a guess based on the fact that Democratic Rep. Andy Kim’s suit will be in it.  More

25 Comments on Democrat Roundly Mocked For Donating Suit Worn On January 6th To Smithsonian

  1. “Democrats will never let you forget the January 6”

    I think January 6th scared the ever loving shit out of Libtards. Their worst nightmare materializing right in front of their faces. Angry mobs of constituency showing up with rope, Tar, and Feathers. Obviously it didn’t quite reach that magnitude, but it proved they are accessible. And it scared them to the point that they are still a little puckered. That’s why they want your AR’s. Just wait until they discover Sniper Rifles. They’ll all die from lack of sleep.

  2. He will claim a massive tax deduction for donating that cheap suit purportedly worn by a backbencher as he dodged bricks and Molotov cocktails hurled by the onrushing horde of crazed fascists incited by Trump as they fought without success to overthrow the government and install Trump as Permanent Dictator after his landslide loss to honest, plain spoken Joseph Biden – The Peoples’ Choice (anyone who says otherwise is itching for a fight).

  3. that suit was probably his ‘uniform.’ Probably provided to him or he was reimbursed for its purchase. And I betcha he’s going to write off his donation for tax deductions. Big deductions- its ‘historical,’ donchakno.
    If he’s a ‘good’ democrat, he will then take any money from that transaction and buy one of hunters masterfeces.

  4. Just Axing
    JULY 9, 2021 AT 6:11 PM
    “Did they get the 💩stains
    out of the pants?”

    …can a shit stain have a shit stain? That would be like giving birth, so he’d have to abort it…

  5. “Here’s my actual suit I was wearing when I endured the Facebook LiveStream panty raid of the US Capitol! I’m fucking special!”

    Sure you are, moron.

  6. Related tangentially

    It been 1.5 weeks since the Bakersfield Bolshevik said any GOP serving on the 1/6 WITCH HUNT would be harshly punished. it has also been 1.5 weeks since Liz “Mooned” Kev and shrilly announced she wasting WITCH HUNTING! Has Liz left the icu?

    my point is
    Ronny hating Kev has always been a liberal GWB liar; still is. He did nothing ! Liz is unharmed! Just another “lets pretend Compasionate Conservative” lie!

    I am conservative, so I do not trust liberal For, but Fox says the Bakersfield Bolshevik will actually participate in the WITCH HUNT.

    My brag! Told y so a week ago! Liberals in BOTH PARTIES lie! Few are more liberal than Kev!

  7. Men’s Wherehouse….
    JULY 9, 2021 AT 7:34 PM
    “You’re going to hate the way it looks…I guarantee it”

    …Men’s Wearhouse took advantage of me many years ago when my dad died suddenly and they took HUGE advantage of my grieving, non-suit wearing ass just ’cause they could.

    Fuck Men’s Wearhouse.


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