Young Child Throws American Flag to The Ground as Mother Looks on Approvingly – IOTW Report

Young Child Throws American Flag to The Ground as Mother Looks on Approvingly

The kid sneers at the house displaying the flag before scooting away.

38 Comments on Young Child Throws American Flag to The Ground as Mother Looks on Approvingly

  1. Little pussy wears a helmet?
    One of those retards who bounces his heads on the floor?
    Another entitled asshole who thinks his vandalism is OK but is offended by everyone else’s.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Why do so many people live in a country they hate, when they are free to leave anytime? That just seems foolish. Perhaps we should help them….relocate.

  3. Definitely a cheap ChyKneeze bike & scooter.

    What I find amazing is that they can’t just leave people alone. That kid was following mom’s instructions.

  4. …that’s one reason I sold the house with the sidewalks around it and got one with none, sidewalks are Government owned and you can’t *legally* do anything about people on them…

  5. Both the mom and her son need to have their ass kicked, preferably in stocks in the public square with people throwing eggs, rotten vegetables and shit at them and publicly humiliated and then tarred and feathered. And then maybe they’ll come to their senses but I doubt it.

  6. Can you really blame the mother and kid directly if they were brainwashed into believing this is proper behavior? I mean, all it takes is a dedication to CNN et al, the media our true enemies.

  7. “Young Child Throws American Flag to The Ground as Mother Looks on Approvingly”

    Child rearing starts in the home. I bet there’s no father in the house. The breakdown of society begins in the home, and the cycle of violence, communism, is here to stay. Couple that with schools teaching communism to children and you have a nation ripe to fall. Glad mine are raised and they aren’t having any children to burden their lives with. For that I am grateful about their decision to not have children.

  8. Change the scenario to a kid uprooting a gay pride flag, and you would have a police manhunt for the mom and kid, hate crime charges, jail with no bail, the family being cancelled, death threats, endless video on cable news, and probable suicide of the family members.

  9. Another Un-American, raising a future Hate-American from the ground up for True American’s to deal with down the dark road that lays ahead.

  10. Here’s one to cancel out what we all just saw:

    Had to go to the phone store yesterday to have my data transferred to a new phone (because I’m an old lady who is quite disinterested in spending half a day on YT trying to figure out how to xsfer everything and STILL end up going to the phone store to have then fix it).

    The young, fresh-faced kid who greeted me there was soft-spoken and as is so common among the young who live and breathe smart phone technology, his response to my request was, “Sure, no problem.”

    But you see I’ve made this last phone last so long (despite its smashed-up face and that I’ve twice dropped it into both latex and alkyd paint — not just a little bit, but entirely — and because I forget that it’s in the bib of my overalls, every time I forget it falls out on the floor and explodes into all its component parts which I carefully pick up, mash the innards back into the thing, and snap the back cover on), there are undoubtedly some “quirks” he isn’t expecting. I am right, and there are several attempts and work-arounds that must be tried before we have successful data transfer.

    While he is tinkering with this and that method we move past the subject at hand (my phone) and make small talk which eventually leads to “isn’t it great we’re not wearing masks anymore?” I ask him if he’s had the “vaccines” and this 22 year-old leans in and whispers, “No. Have you?” I catch his grin and reply, “Heck NO!” I’m not sure if he purposely slowed down the process just so he could talk or if it really took over an hour and half to complete the set-up, but I was enjoying our conversation so it didn’t matter at all to me. I heard about the sideline he has of a Christian clothing line (I knew he was too bright to be satisfied selling phones), his views on the beleaguered 2A, worries about 1A and cancel culture, Covid, and Trump. I especially liked his views on Trump. I couldn’t help myself, I left a huge tip on the sly. Told him to take his girlfriend out for a nice dinner. He tried to refuse, but I wouldn’t let him. Told him we have to keep our wealth in the Kingdom and that seemed to make it okay. He saved me half a day and, more, he gave me hope.

    Take heart, friends. These videos of young boys and their mothers hating on the country we love make for good videos because the idea still shocks and disgusts us. We should worry when they stop invoking that response. In the meantime there are all those quiet, friendly young men and women we should seek out and encourage. We need them and they need us, too.

  11. The reality of US white women:

    1. They enjoy more freedom and opportunity than 99% of the women currently on the planet and virtually all women historically.

    2. Urban and Suburban white women enjoy one of the highest standards of living of any woman on Earth or ever were on Earth.

    3. Over half of these same urban and suburban white women fully buy into hateful, bitter, anti-American, Marxist bullshit because the stupid TV shows & movies they watch & shitty novels they read told them to do so. That’s how fucking weak-minded, pathetic, and bitchy they are. One of the top novels they purchased in the last decade was about a wealthy, independent woman who gets into a sexual relationship with a rich man who beats the shit out of her for fun. That tells you a lot.

    4. The majority of Urban and Suburban white women support BLM, which is guaranteed to turn both these woman and their children into marginalized, second class citizens.

    It reminds of how faggots behave. Their reaction to freedom and power is to pursue their safe place of second class citizenship and universal loathing. The Woman’s Movement is proving itself to have been a colossal waste of time and energy, since half of all women just want to burn it all down because they’re stupid, bored, and brainwashed.

  12. The Mule — You’ve hit all the right problems with so-called “Feminism”, but I think your estimates are too high. I believe the reason it seems like half the women in the country are on that bandwagon is because, just like BLM etc, they have the benefit of a willing corporate media behind them who profit mightily from their message. IOW, they have a much smaller footprint but a big microphone.

    The militant feministas are so wholly unpleasant and hysterical (and over-the-top) they actually are repelling girls and young women. The ones they appeal to would have a hard time attracting a man even if they looked sorta normal. We all know them.

    Biology is a hard task master, whose dictates involve the limbic system. Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly, bees gotta buzz. It takes a lot of self-restraint to overcome nature, and I just don’t see feminist wannabes possessing that restraint.

  13. @The Mule

    “…one of the highest standards of living in the world.”

    I just want to correct that to: Absolutely THE highest standard in the world.

    Most Women, and Men for that matter, in Europe ie: England, Italy, Portugal etc.

    1) Don’t have the money to take a half hour HOT shower every day.
    2) Don’t have Air conditioning
    3) Don’t have a dishwasher
    4) That Price of water makes automatic lawn sprinklers almost impossible.
    5) They have cars that make a Prius look like a fuckin limo
    6) They have less than a third of the clothing a North American Has
    7) Many Many buildings Still have no elevators.
    8) Usually 1 TV


  14. These two bints can’t be too hard to find out where they live in the neighborhood. The owner of that flag needs to pay a visit and beat their little commie asses!

  15. A Daisy BB Gun not enough to hurt but make the mother sting a few times and the boy once! They are guilty of a crime. I hope this is in a Law And Order, Free America area and the Woman is sentenced and fiend and the Child councled.

  16. Put the flag back up and anchor it in a cement base. Tempting to put a razor blade on the top but you might get sued. People have been sued and criminally charged for booby-trapping properties after they were broken into.

    Some neighbors near me have a beautiful electric flag that stays lit at night.

  17. There are only a few places and reason for this behavior to have started. It’s simple. At home we teach the ten commandments. At the police station, we prohibit the use of rubber bullets, dancing on police cars, permitted looting, setting fires in public and displaying any non-Christian and non-American flag. The prohibition is enforced with hollow points. Problem solved.

  18. Excellent analysis, TheMule. Feminist white women are the worst hypocrites. Teaching their children to be brown shirt Nazis – Antifa brats. At the same time, in America, experiencing the greatest freedom and wealth that ever existed on Earth.

    Feminism, in all forms and degrees is dangerous and corrupt. Decades of American families have been destroyed because of Feminism, alone.
    Let’s be clear, Feminism is a Marxist construct. There are no benefits to society that Feminism represents.

    The property owner should report this incident to the police. At least it may put a scare into the kid, despite his traitorous leftard mother.

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