My Old School – IOTW Report

My Old School

Leonid & Friends have found a rich new vein of American rock music to mine, Steely Dan. Play this recording sometime for an average listener and they’d be hard pressed to tell it from the original. Watch

37 Comments on My Old School

  1. The last concert I went to was Steely Dan at the DTE (formerly Pine Knob) Theatre. Damn they were good. Brad, you need to find her video doing Rolling Stones Satisfaction.👍

  2. I’m not that familiar with Steely Dan, I know start screaming!… but their Chicago covers are pretty good. My mom and step dad LOVED Chicago. Pretty much my background music growing up.

  3. The Filipino bands in Olongapo City did a killer version of Smoke on the water as well as really good Johnny Cash covers. And they had some of the best fried rice in those bars, I didn’t ask what was in it but it was good. I am not a big fan of San Miguel beer which we called San Magoo but it was cheap and too plentiful.

  4. Cate, I think you will like Steely Dan and upon listening to their library probably recognize some of their music. They were more very talented studio musicians than an actual band.

  5. There’s your Russian Collusion, Mueller. Stick it in your ear.

    I know they said they wouldn’t, but they sure did go back to that Old School. Love it. How about some Kid Charlemagne?

  6. Wow. Take me back, indeed. Back a long time.

    Forgot I wasn’t listening to the original while writing an email.
    Some stud musicians, harmonies were dead on, very nice.

    Dr. Tar – Thanks much the the tip.

  7. I was in a bar in Suzhou China about 10 years ago, listening to a Philippino band and getting drunk with my coworkers. They were playing a bunch of pop and top 40 songs. I wrote “Play some Lynyrd Skynyrd!” on a napkin and got my buddy to take it to the band leader. The leader pulled the band together and had a discussion, then they started playing “Sweet Home, Alabama” like it was a normal cover for them. The girls even had the “wooohooo” down pat too!

  8. Really Outstanding!

    The best thing I really love about Russian musicians (and the Russian people, in general) is their dedicated ability to maintain a clean purity without prejudice whenever they cross the mental border to shake musical hands in deep compliment towards American Music and It’s musicians of our several generations.

    I say this because I once had a short tour through Kiev and Moscow. But, it was enough to know dreams like this only come from Heaven by those who listen in Heaven with a Russian soul.

  9. TRF, “Aaaaaaaaannnnnd now”

    This is hard to understand until one gets to know Russians.. It was, for me like this, for awhile. But, guess what!

    This is typical Russian parody and dry humor. But, not as bad as it used to be.

    Really weird sense of humor, until you had lived through famine, starvation, paranoia, fear, Lenin, Stalin, Cold War and the KGB like they have…until you understand. many are still in fear and uncertainty. So, parodies and hidden humor is still done for the older generation.

    Find out for yourself like I have. If it is really like it was during the Cold War, then I will gladly change my opinion. Biden may be our beginning of another USSR nightmare.

    Music is stronger than many can realize, in strengthening ties between and amongst nations.

  10. pianamusic
    JULY 12, 2021 AT 9:40 PM

    There’s a joke about a man from Moscow who goes to see his brother in America that illustrates the difference.

    The man visits his American brother, who says “would you like a drink?”
    “Of course!”
    So the American brother gets vodka out of the liquor cabinet and pours then a drink.
    “And then”, says the man from Moscow, “do you know what my brother did? HE PUT THE CAP BACK ON THE BOTTLE!”

  11. Her name is pronounced like Sane-ya. One of my wife’s Russian friends had a daughter by that name who was attending college in the US. She came to our home during Spring break one year to visit. She was beautiful and about 6′ 1″. She wanted to go the the beach so we took her. She was from central Asia and had never been to an ocean beach and she wanted photos of her frolicking in the waves to send home. I had the honor of standing on the tailgate of my pick-up and pouring buckets of fresh water all over her to rinse her off so she could change out of her bikini and into street clothes so we could proceed to Galveston to spend the rest of the day. This was in late February but she seemed oblivious to the cold (OK, it was Texas so it wasn’t that cold). She had long brown hair down to her waste line and I have to say that I was hoping someone I knew had seen me pouring water onto this beautiful girl while standing in my truck. It was a tough job but someone had to do it.

  12. They call it “Yacht Rock” these days… But it’s all good. I enjoy a bit of mellow but complicated… If I listen to too much Cliff era Metallica at work, I get in trouble with HR… 🙂

  13. If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery then Becker and Fagen should be tickled shitless (if they’re still alive).
    That was great.

    izlamo delenda est …


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