Just another passenger duct taped to seat on airplane… move along. – IOTW Report

Just another passenger duct taped to seat on airplane… move along.

As a woman is deplaning, she hears some screams. She passes a woman duct taped to the seat.

Later she finds out the woman tried to open the door mid-flight, and tried to bite the flight attendant.

Just another day in the friendly-skies.

26 Comments on Just another passenger duct taped to seat on airplane… move along.

  1. “Poor word choice on the pilot’s part.” LOL! Yup.

    “Handled poorly”? Is she kidding? They’re FLIGHT ATTENDANTS not social workers or medics. I don’t know why she had the meltdown, and I don’t care. Duct tape was necessary so get over your “Feels”. Better she’s in place in her chair than running towards the cockpit like a demon to crash the plane. Because if she had, your family would be suing the airlines talking about, “Why didn’t they sit on her or tie her to the chair!??!!?”
    You know, sometimes I really hate touchy feely people. They’re the reason we got HERE in the first place.

    Y’all, if you ain’t right in the head or in the body, wear a fucking medical bracelet or hand some motherfuckers a note saying what they need to do, “IN CASE SHIT HAPPENS.” OK? It’s not that fucking hard, and your ass won’t be on youtube until the end of time.

  2. There’s a reason submarine crews get mental evaluations, and this may be it.

    If a person has any medical or psych problems don’t get into a small metal tube to hurl through space along with 100 or more of your closest friends! Walk. Or better yet: don’t go. Stay at home in your blanket fort.

  3. I should add that I’ll be praying for duct tape lady. If it’s a natural problem, hopefully she can get help and adjust her meds and make better plans for future travel.

    If it’s a drug / alcohol problem, hope she is fined to no end, and she learns from what she did.

    Whatever reason this happened, I hope she takes the opportunity to fix her shit.

  4. The most exciting thing I ever get to see on a flight is when the sky waitress drops a muffin on the floor and then tries to pass it out to an unknowing passenger.

  5. Long haul truck drivers call it “1,000 mile tape”. Amazing product, that tape. Holds fenders on trucks, tapes up broken windows, tapes wires to the floor or wall, keeps small children quiet, used for bandages along with toilet paper, holds up fallen hems on skirts or pants, keeps victims from calling out for help, will prevent anyone from opening a cardboard box,…………sigh…what won’t it do?

  6. …the presence of copious amounts of Duct Tape readily available on the plane is scarier than the crazy woman, because it suggests a Spirit Air maintenance budget and makes me wonder what’s going on behind those plastic panels covering the airframe, just sayin’…

  7. Maybe it is wrong, but I am usually extra careful around women with “neon hair”, or those crazy hair colors.
    That is the first sign some screws are loose there.


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