Black woman accuses cop of racism because she received a ticket – IOTW Report

Black woman accuses cop of racism because she received a ticket

That’s the next bill. Blacks don’t get tickets. Tickets are systemic racism.

26 Comments on Black woman accuses cop of racism because she received a ticket

  1. It doesn’t appear to me that she is competent to be operating a motor vehicle in the first place. She obviously does not comprehend that the reason you have to come to a stop at a two-way stop controlled intersection is to check for other approaching vehicles prior to proceeding.

  2. We’re not in a race war, we’re in a culture war and an information war. The shooting hasn’t really started accept in city’s like Chicago where they’re busy shooting 130 of each other on a major weekend. If it’s a race war they’re shooting their own people, which doesn’t make sense. The fake media is telling us there’s mass racism. If there’s wide spread racism it’s towards whites.

  3. He’d have as much success trying to explain the ticket to her as he would with any other four legged animal.
    Try explaining a traffic ticket to a muskrat.

  4. My wife is a nurse, and she has to bust her ass at work every day, mostly because she is teamed up with a black woman who…

    – Regularly shows up to work 15 minutes late.

    – Regularly comes back from breaks 15 minutes late.

    – Regularly comes back from lunch 15 minutes late.

    – Regularly spends 3 hours of an 8 hour shift talking on the phone with her family.

    – Regularly falls asleep on the job.

    – Regularly rude to patients.

    She’s a contractor and my wife is an FTE. The contractor could be fired at any time but isn’t because the bosses are afraid of being accused of raaaaaaacism… if they fire an utterly worthless piece of shit contract employee.

  5. @theMule
    At my wife’s job it’s basically the same, they get hired and have a 90 day evaluation before permanent status with all the perks. They play he game for the 3 months then go to shit, skipping work, abusing lunch and break times etc.
    Of course the corp has to employ a certain % so they won’t be accused of “racism”
    It’s everywhere!

  6. %TheMule

    The funniest thing is that they actually believe they should be put in supervisor positions way before anyone else. They actually think they’re good at the job.
    It’s breathtaking how stupid they are!

  7. Up until a few years ago I NEVER used the “N” word. Even during Oumphuk’s regime I resisted. There have always been “blacks” and there have always been niggers – there is a very distinct difference – just like there have always been whites and always been white trash. But since OBumphuk 2.0 (AKA Biteme) has been in power, “Blacks” have become empowered/entitled to be niggers. It’s all part of the Marxist communist plan.

  8. Back in the early 90’s I worked as Traffic Enforcement in NYC. I don’t know how many times I was accused of ticketing a car sitting at an expired meter or parked on a fire hydrant purely because the driver was black, because I have the clairvoyance to know the skin color of a person inside a building 200 feet away that I never saw before walking up to their ILLEGALLY PARKED CAR.

    It’s always someone else’s fault, never their own.

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