Plandemics: From Pathogen to Profit – IOTW Report

Plandemics: From Pathogen to Profit

A quick video describing the CDC’s patents on Coronaviruses (with China’s help), and the goldrush that followed.

There are some very evil people in this world.

h/t Mary Hatch.

13 Comments on Plandemics: From Pathogen to Profit

  1. A academic for fun and profit.

    Not only is money being made, lives are being lost, and history is being rewritten.

    The ball must have started downhill shortly before Trump’s election victory.

    The goal was to ensure population decline and the eternal ascension of the liberal (deception) agenda.

    Rendering patriotism, nationalism, and common sense obsolete.

  2. From Miles E Drake over at CTH… I thought this was an interesting perspective…

    There is still no evidence that this “virus” really exists except for the claims of the Chicoms who “discovered” it and Fraudci who thought up the plandemic scheme in 2017. The West was locked down and economically crippled, civil society collapsed and the American election stolen with the mendacious rebranding of the flu as the Black Death in 2020. Now we are told that the common cold is the Andromeda Strain, and that we need mass forcible injection of foreign genes, domestic passports and government monitoring of our speech, activities and thoughts. The plan is Orwell’s Oceania, and the hierarchical collective oligarchs have the eta, theta, zeta and gamma variants up their sleeves. This kind of situations are what revolutions are for.

  3. (Can’t remember where I read this)

    Real pandemics don’t need 24/7/365 promotion to remind everyone of its existence.

    Every single time I open a new browser tab an additional tab pops up that opens a Covid19 website. Every single time I look at a YT video a little box opens on the page to give me Covid19 information. I live in a large American city and I don’t know even one person who has died of Covid19. The only people I know *of* who have died were very old and rife with serious previous conditions. They were in danger if they were exposed to a common cold virus.

  4. Plague of Corruption by Dr. Judy Mikovits is a must read. Though only a small pat in the book, you can see how corruption, greed and backstabbing has followed Fauci his whole career.


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