Bush Warns Biden’s Afghanistan Withdrawal Is A ‘Mistake’ That Will Cause ‘Unspeakable Harm’ – IOTW Report

Bush Warns Biden’s Afghanistan Withdrawal Is A ‘Mistake’ That Will Cause ‘Unspeakable Harm’

Eye roll. Funny. The uniparty’s lower management is now upset with the uniparty’s upper management.

23 Comments on Bush Warns Biden’s Afghanistan Withdrawal Is A ‘Mistake’ That Will Cause ‘Unspeakable Harm’

  1. Withdrawal, a mistake that will cause unspeakable harm. But the invasion, now that was a good and patriotic act that saved many lives and bolstered Afghanistan’s infrastructure and economic growth. GTFO

  2. Well Bushy, you’re one of those DemoncRATS that we so hate. You hated Bush, we’ve seen pics of you with your arms wrapped around the Clintons, you were all in for the DemoncRATS this last go around. Screw you and anything you have to say, you’re irrelevant now.

  3. “Withdrawal Is A ‘Mistake’ ”

    Not if it was done 9 months before you were born.

  4. So, what is this font of wealth that makes Afghanistan worth going into, much less staying in? Mineral? Oil? Intellectual? Nope. Nope. And big NOPE.

    All war materiel should have been destroyed as we exited, followed by blasting any infrastructure back to dust as we exited. I’d suggest bombing them back into the stone age, but they never left.

  5. Dear Mr. Fuckin Bush,

    You should have NEVER gone in the first place. You should have Bombed it, especially the poppy fields, from 50,000 feet to keep the B-52’s in Practice and rotate out the older Dumb bombs.

    And that was after you went in for Iraq II (electric Bugaloo) when you knew full well that you should have re-lit the war between Iran & Iraq and watched the shit show on TV.

    But Fuck No!
    You had to show Daddy that you could “Get Er Done” and finish what he stopped 2 months too early.

    Now go paint another picture “Big Mike”

  6. @sippin’ coffee Afghanistan itself is the prize. Afghanistan has a great military position. It’s been coveted by military leaders throughout history. It’s why they’re always getting invaded. It’s also why no one’s able to defeat them, because it is such a good military position.

  7. “They tried to kill my Dad.” and “Democracy is breaking out all over.” are right up there with “Mission Accomplished.” as the best of the worst from someone who really loves both of the Clintons and both of the Obamas. George W. Bush is a better painter than he is a judge of crooked politicians, and he’s a terrible artist. He’s the Misjudger-In-Chief.

  8. Just remember, when the US military recruiters ask you to “fight for your country”, it’s more likely that you’ll be fighting for any other country but your own, and you’ll be doing so to advance some bullshit, temporary international corporate/banking agenda. And once that’s settled, you’ll be fighting in the same shithole because some paddlefoot climber in the Pentagon wants to keep their budgets fat and their war industry pals happy.

    Anyone who joins, should join for the skills, because you’ll need them to survive the insanity that is coming to the US soon.

  9. Hey Shrub, worried the Taliban is gonna burn all the CIA’s poppy fields again? It’s not such a big deal now that your Chinese friends are shipping in all that fentanyl.

  10. So bush the village idiot blundered us into Afghanistan and has been lying low to scold whom ever decided to leave this pointless winless costly occupation. What a complete disaster Afghanistan has been. Should have never entered how stupid.

    He’s damned near as bad as Biden


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