BLM comes out in support of the Cuban communist regime—’condemns the US’ – IOTW Report

BLM comes out in support of the Cuban communist regime—’condemns the US’


Black Lives Matter (BLM) issued a statement condemning the US federal government, not Cuba’s communist regime, over its “inhumane treatment” of the Cuban people. Pro-freedom demonstrations have been ongoing on the island nation since Sunday.

“Black Lives Matter originates from a need to intervene in a 500-year story and a plan to kill and create havoc and chaos in black peoples’ lives,” Cullors said.

Cullors “was the protégé of Eric Mann, former agitator of the Weather Underground domestic terror organization, and spent years absorbing the Marxist-Leninist ideology that shaped her worldview.”

Cullors said “that she became a trained organizer with the Labor/Community Strategy Center, which she called her ‘first political home’ under the mentorship of Mann, its director. The Center describes its philosophy as ‘an urban experiment,’ using grassroots organization to ‘focus on Black and Latino communities with deep historical ties to the long history of anti-colonial, anti-imperialist, pro-communist resistance to the US empire.'”


20 Comments on BLM comes out in support of the Cuban communist regime—’condemns the US’

  1. How about swapping USA BLM for Cuban protesters a win win for both sides since BLM want to be commies we’ll happily transport the worthless trash and they can have our DC politicians as well.

  2. “Cuba uas historically demonstrated solidarity with oppressed peoples of African descent…”—BLM


    “The black is indolent and a dreamer; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink; the European has a tradition of work and saving, which has pursued him as far as this corner of America and drives him to advance himself, even independently of his own individual aspirations.”—Che Guevara

  3. BLM’s call to end the Cuba embargo highlights the failure of communism. Since Castro’s revolution, Cuba has been unable to provide for its people. Another communist paradise, the Soviet Union, propped up Cuba for decades which at least raised the Cuban standard of living to subsistence instead of starvation. However, the Soviet Union itself collapsed, and now Cuba’s communists are back to starving their own people on their own.

    It seems that BLM leaders at least recognize that Cuba’s communist leaders can’t do communism right which is why they’re calling for an end to the embargo. Just like the Soviet Union couldn’t do communism right. Or China. Or Venezuela. Or any of the other nations who have embraced communism. These nations need western countries – notably the US – to bail them out.

  4. I have been seriously interested in the past month or so about the roots of the Peoples Temple — its roots, its progression, the move to Guyana, and its demise. Along the way I’ve discovered that it was Jones’ goal to remake it into a communist activist organization. It began as the first integrated church in Indiana and when Jones’ began to come under scrutiny by local news and officials he picked Ukiah, CA to move to based on an aricle he read stating that Ukiah was one of the least likely places to be destroyed in a nuclear strike. Once there and established in Ukiah, he became involved in San Francisco politics and with Democrat politicians (is credited with getting Moscone elected mayor by a slim margin in a very tight race against the Republican candidate). Other Democrat pols very friendly with Jones was Diane Feinstein, Willy Brown and then-governor Jerry Brown. In return for Jones’ help with Moscone’s win, he was put on the SF Housing Authority Board. These Democrat pols were quick to realize that Jones had an iron grip on the activism and votes of his 2000+ PT members in the Bay Area. They were just as back-scratching as they could be until the SF Chronicle decided to do a deep dive into the real life of the PT and Jones. But given the chaotic and ideological radical times of the late 1960s and spilling over to the 1970s (Weather Underground, Black Panthers, BLA (Black Liberation Army), et al), the Chronicle’s piece focused more on PT’s strange form of “religion” than on their foursquare communist doctrine and Jones’ having sex with all his Planning Commission’s female (and often male) inner circle. This expose’ was read out over the phone with Jones while his people listened on the night before it was to hit newstands and it was then that Jones told his people it was time to decamp the majority of the “chuch” to Jonestown, where most of the strong young black men had already been working to clear the jungle and build huts. Jones was so paranoid about the U.S. gov’t threatening him that he had his people fly across the country and leave the U.S. from southeastern airports, mainly in Florida.

    (sorry for the long-ish preamble)

    One of my curiosities about Jones and Jonestown was how people today remember them. “Drink the Kool-aide” is still a popular phrase, but it almost always means to mindlessly buy into someone’s crazy ideas. And it is almost always linked to the idea of religious zeal and implies the Kool-aide drinker is part of a cult, but literally a religious cult, not a political cult. As soon as one is labeled a Kool-aide drinker, they are dismissed as foolishly ignorant, blindly devoted follower of a crazy person or idea. Today – just yesterday in fact – I read a headline at GP quoting someone saying that Donald Trump is a latter day Jim Jones. Though not a regular thing in the past few years, it’s starting to hit the mainstream that Trump is a “exactly like” Jones and his followers are mindless cultists.

    Want to know how history is rewritten? There’s a fine example. Gerard Van Der Luen at and I have been having some general convos about this subject and he sent me a series of podcasts from a guy (Cooper) who did a multi-part series, “God’s Socialist, the Rise and Fall of the Peoples Temple”. In it, especially the last three episodes, Cooper provides granular detail of the radical upheaval of the 1970s and weaves a riveting story of all the groups who were active at the time, especially their ideological rush to radical socialism and attempt to take on the U.S.’s oppressive form of democracy and capitalism. After some digging I also found a list of documents retained by the FBI which were found at Jonestown. Among them is correspondence between the PT and the Communist Party, USA (CPUSA), which was (and still is) the U.S. faction of the world communist party. At the time, Jones was petitioning the Soviets to relocate the PT to Russia.

    I highly recommend to anyone interested in how antifa and BLM (and Occupy) was resurrected in the US in the past ten years, and how they operate, to spend some time digging around in this stuff too. Cooper’s podcasts can be found at It’s easy to use his many references to other groups for your searching.

    Bottom line: BLM is a continuation of who-knows-how-many radical vestiges of our recent past. Of course they come out in solidarity with communist Cuba. Castro is one of their idols. It’s not a matter of sending the BLM-ers to a place they would love; they want to turn the U.S. into another Cuba. That’s always been their goal.

    (I don’t know if this link will transfer, but here’s one of the documents describing PT’s communication with someone in Georgetown (Guyana) discussing their common communist interests.

  5. I have been to Cuba. There are a lot of people there that want a chance at better than communism. All colors.

    When My kids go down to play at orphanages me and the wife fill their suitcases with as much usable clothes, shoes, etc. as possible and tell them,” leave as much stuff behind as possible.

    Media has to hammer BLM on this topic heavy.

  6. …someone should tell BLM that Cuba was a MAJOR cross dock operation in the African slave trade, and a giant slave colony in its own right even after the US stopped importing fresh Africans…

    …isn’t it impossible to ever have forgiveness for the national sin of slavery, BLM?

    Oh, but THOSE slavers were POCs TOO!

    …hmm, what to do…just ignore it for Commies like you ignore KKK Kleagle Byrd, yah, that’s the ticket…

  7. Burn, Loot, and Murder is, has been, and continues to be nothing more then a bunch of patsies for the Democrats. Meanwhile the members, with a few exceptions, are still as broke, and controlled by the DemoKKK as they ever were.
    Stupid Bastards

  8. Che Guevara hated black people and murdered a shitload of them after Castro took power. But since BLM is mostly rich white kids anyway, they’re likely cut from the same cloth. All they do for black people here is burn their neighborhoods down and put the gangbangers in charge afterward.


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