Devin Nunes Has Faith in Upcoming Durham Report – Top Obama Officials Will Go To Jail – IOTW Report

Devin Nunes Has Faith in Upcoming Durham Report – Top Obama Officials Will Go To Jail


Ranking member of the powerful House Intelligence Committee Rep. Devin Nunes told me on The Sara Carter Show podcast that he still expects Justice Department Special Counsel John Durham to release a damaging report on the FBI’s debunked investigation into former President Donald Trump and Russia. He also expects it will lead to prison sentences for some former senior Obama officials.

Nunes is one of the few members of the Republican Party that still believe justice will be served. He laid out his reasons on The Sara Carter Show and said he hasn’t given up faith in Durham’s investigation despite the enormous speculation that the Durham investigation will fail to deliver justice.

Many supporters of Trump, including the former President himself, have already began questioning the legitimacy of the Durham’s probe and whether or not any action would be taken by the Special Counsel in his investigation.

many Americans closely following these investigations have been disheartened by the DOJ’s failure to prosecute those responsible for trampling the Constitution and spying illegally against political opponents. I asked Nunes on The Sara Carter Show, how can we trust that there will be any accountability against those who broke the law.

“Where’s John Durham? What happened to William Barr? What about the report,” I asked. Believe me, when I tell you I’m almost just as jaded as the rest of the American public when it comes to the Justice Department’s failure to hold those senior Obama officials accountable.

After speaking with Nunes, I’m hoping he is right. I just can’t imagine how the United States can remain the Republic it was intended to be if the Justice Department fails to uphold the law and charge those responsible for the crimes they committed against the American people.

Nunes told me that he expects Durham’s report to be delivered. He also believes people will be charged by the DOJ.

After speaking to him on the podcast, I am holding onto that hope as well.


27 Comments on Devin Nunes Has Faith in Upcoming Durham Report – Top Obama Officials Will Go To Jail

  1. “Nunes is one of the few members of the Republican Party that still believe justice will be served.”

    And bigfoot is real, Communism has never been done right, Epstein actually committed suicide….

  2. George Papadopoulos has been saying this too and just to wait and be patient. I have as much expectation there will be accountability / justice as I do of Mike Lindel’s claim Trump will be back in office this fall.

  3. Like the rest of you, I’m hoping for the best while expecting the worst.

    I have no reason to believe the DOJ is under the control of U.S. citizens. I hope I am proven wrong.

  4. I respect Nunes, though hate that his organization keeps calling me to contribute. Like the rest of you, I hope that something actually comes out, but doubt that it will, or anything will happen

  5. All that is gonna happen is Durham and his cronies are going to get a nice taxpayer sponsored paycheck. Ain’t nobody going to be arrested, fat boy Barr saw to that.

  6. Huh?
    Durham quit watching kiddie porn on his computer long enough to write a report?

    He and Barr pulled their fingers out of each other’s asses long enough to type?

    Just not seeing it.

    I’d laugh, but treason isn’t funny.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Devin Nunes has faith.
    (in Southern speak) “Well bless his heart”.

  8. Did the FBI ever capture BAT BOY that used to be on news stands??? More likely he has escaped and left on a saucer last month but they almost had him. Damn they’re good.

  9. FTA “have already began questioning the legitimacy of the Durham’s probe”
    Have already begun.
    We began a couple years ago.
    – And even then it was way past due.

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