Armed Black Panthers Take To Street Chanting Death to White Supremacy – IOTW Report

Armed Black Panthers Take To Street Chanting Death to White Supremacy

National File – Armed members of the New Black Panther movement descended upon downtown Indianapolis, Indiana Saturday as racial tensions continue to skyrocket in the fragmenting United States of America. As anarcho-tyranny consumes the American Republic, hostile leftist groups are becoming more brazen in demonstrating their militaristic capabilities, suggesting more turbulence and instability in the years ahead.

37 Comments on Armed Black Panthers Take To Street Chanting Death to White Supremacy

  1. “There ain’t no We in our Unitee!”
    – For their dumbed-down followers incapable of processing a sound bite over 10 seconds in length that doesn’t rhyme!

  2. “…demonstrating their militaristic capabilities…”

    …excuse me? They are demonstrating that they can sloppily carry and carelessly hold firearms while not even being able to stand at attention and instead fidget like a bunch of children and are shown here paying NO attention to their environment and have NO situational awareness, and instead of looking for threats just rubberneck around as they pay zero attention to where they are or why they are there, then they march off in no partiuclar order and continue to show that their “weapons” are really more fashion accesories that they are not particularly comfortable with instead of lethal tools that they could handle efficiently at a moments notice.

    Whatever the hell THIS demonstrates, it’s NOT “militaristic capabilites”. If the police weren’t there to pwotect them, I know deer hunters that could clean THIS lot up in just a few seconds with no problem at all, let alone what would happen to them if they came up against ACTUAL military veterans…

  3. Seems to me the administration is targeting the wrong domestic terrorist group. There’s no other race in this country openly chanting for their color’s supremacy other than the black race.

  4. Please contact the complaint clerk and file your grievance. Someone will get back to you in 6 to 8 weeks. Have a nice day. Next in line please step forward.

  5. Groucho Marxist JULY 18, 2021 AT 9:33 AM
    “Still, I was never hurt or hampered in life by what others thought of me as much as believing them myself”

    …To Groucho’s point, I’d feel pretty useless too if I had nothing else to do all day but walk around wearing a costume and complaining about how all my woes are because other people are mean to me, and the only way I know to address it is to try to force those same people to do things FOR me instead of actually bettering MYSELF…

  6. Let them protest all they want from the safety of their shithole cities…they know if they try that in the burbs, they’ll be arrested. They come out here to the rural areas…They’ll have a nasty surprise waiting behind every blade of grass.

  7. Death_By_Farts
    JULY 18, 2021 AT 10:20 AM
    “…They come out here to the rural areas…They’ll have a nasty surprise waiting behind every blade of grass.”

    …the White farmers in South Africa probably thought that too. How’s that working out?

    …in case you don’t think it can happen here, look at this..

    “The definition of a “Farm Attack” can vary but generally three criteria – 1) political incitement, 2) gratuitous torture (even of the elderly and children, and after victims have stopped resisting), and 3) public praise of the crimes – set the Farm Attacks apart from “social fabric” crimes.”

    …looks like we’ve got “1” and “3” covered in THIS country…if Pedo Biden’s purged military comes to your isolated farm and disarms you one by one, it’s all they need to make “2” a reality, and in rural climes, the distance between neighbors will only work to the government thugs’ advantage…

  8. …you would think that, if they REALLY wanted to end “White Supremacy” that they’d side with Republicans against Democrats, since NO Republican EVER owned a slave, DEMOCRATS fought to KEEP slaves, formed the KKK, opposed EVERY PIECE of Civil Rights legislation that REPUBLICANS ultimately passed, and since Democrats keep saying that Black people are far less capable of EVERYTHING than White people are, even getting ID or using a computer, but you’d be wrong and so are THEY…

  9. Do these idiots not know that they have NO power, and that they are nothing more than a useful tool in the globalists’ social engineering scheme? They will be eradicated just as soon as the globalist agenda is achieved – IF it is achieved. But, dey sho duz feels impotent at the moment.

  10. There has been a lot of firearms sales to black men over the last year. They paraded around Stone Mt. a few months ago fully armed.

    At first, I was thinking, Yeah OK, they are getting on-board with defending themselves, home, and family, but there may be something more sinister going on.

    We can expect liberals to remain silent about blacks owning firearms. The gun grabbers will excuse them.

  11. firstly , make your comment section user friendly , and you will have higher readership , having to post my name , email , and website each time is utterly ridiculous , get a better ‘IT” person .
    blacks will be exterminated when the war starts , they contribute nothing to our Republic .
    blacks are murdering Destroyers , not builders .

  12. TimBuktu JULY 18, 2021 AT 1:39 PM
    “There has been a lot of firearms sales to black men over the last year. They paraded around Stone Mt. a few months ago fully armed.”

    …I’ve been to Stone Mountain. You know who DOESN’T want it closed?

    …all the Black tour guides, ticket takers, gift shop workers, lift attendants, restaurant workers, managers, and every OTHER job the park produces, and that’s just on the property ITSELF, so imagine what the impact would be on the local hotels and restaurants and such, many of which employ Black people, if the Democrat thugs got their wish…

  13. cam JULY 18, 2021 AT 1:42 PM
    “firstly , make your comment section user friendly , and you will have higher readership , having to post my name , email , and website each time is utterly ridiculous , get a better ‘IT” person .”4

    you don’t have to post ANY of that if you want, just be an Anon. Many people do, everything else is optional…

  14. All these groups tactics suck. They’re life expectancy in a gunfight ain’t good. Over watch is handy. Having said that the best way to survive a gunfight is don’t get in one.

  15. Barach Hussein Obama’s MUSLIM SLAVER Ancestors captured their Non-Muslim cousins and SOLD them to the Windsor/Rothschild Banker Cabal SLAVE TRADE, who in turn SOLD them to Southern DEMOCRAT Plantation Owners in the South, and around the world. 600,000 WHITE AMERICAN MEN then DIED and shed their BLOOD, to FREE the Black Slaves. Which ones that shed their BLOOD for you, are you calling “White Supremacists”? Which of these do you require so-called “Reparations”. NAME THEM! The fact of the matter is you are LIARS, just like the Windsor/Rothschild SCUM that made you believe through their Media and Democrat Commie minions, they are not the ones the OWE YOU. But you will TAKE whatever you can from whoever you can because you are WORTHLESS SCUM to begin with. Anyone that refuses to acknowledge WHO shed their BLOOD for them, is WORTHLESS SCUM. No more WORTHLESS SCUM ever existed.

  16. No more WORTHLESS SCUM exists, other than the Windsor/Rothschild Banker cabal that Owned-and-Operated the SLAVE TRADE. They are the ONLY so-called “White Supremacists” that you need to seek your due from. their name is WINDSOR AND ROTHSCHILD. Got that?

  17. Thanks for reminding us the vast difference in official reaction to the term “white power” and the term “black power”. The latter is okay but the former is not. Because of “equality” or some shit like that.

  18. Those rag tag, not ready for prime time doofus black panther “warriors” couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn.
    Just don’t throw fire crackers in their direction. They would be so confused the idiots would shoot each other and any bystanders dumb enough to be near them.

  19. OOOOH, hi Points… very scary, been shooting recreationally for 45 years, since 9-10 years old, Blacks may be buying guns, but few of them live the culture and have shot any meaningful amount of ammo. Very few hunt. It would be a massacre IMO.

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