Senior FBI official took free gifts from media while Trump-Russia probe was underway, watchdog says – IOTW Report

Senior FBI official took free gifts from media while Trump-Russia probe was underway, watchdog says

Just The News: The FBI official accepted tickets to black tie events and had numerous communications from media members.

The Office of Inspector General for the Department of Justice released the findings Tuesday of an investigation that found a former senior FBI official violated agency policy by having numerous unauthorized contacts with the media.

The investigation found that the official, who has not been named and has since retired from the agency, “had numerous contacts with members of the media between January and November 2016 in violation of FBI policy,” as well as accepted unauthorized gifts from media members, according to the report.

13 Comments on Senior FBI official took free gifts from media while Trump-Russia probe was underway, watchdog says

  1. …well, the media was giving free gifts to the Pedophile campaign the while time too, lots and lots of air time, aid in kind, disparaging his opponent and hiding his corruption, so the fibby thing is really small potatoes in comparison…

  2. Of course, he wasn’t named.
    Of course, he retired with full federal benefits and pockets full of cash.
    This is reflective of who the FBI is, corrupt.
    As Biden says, “That’s who we are !”

    Some one is knocking on my door……… Just in case, so you know, I did not commit suicide.

  3. What the fuck—

    WE’VE ALL known it….for a long time.

    Now, how do we handle the facts as they smack the shit out of US??

    IF…..they have the military on their side, gorilla warfare is likely the only response.

  4. Another one of those things already reported years ago. From Fox News, 2018:

    “Numerous FBI employees accepted inappropriate gifts from reporters and routinely spoke to media outlets without authorization during the Hillary Clinton email probe, the Justice Department’s watchdog revealed in Thursday’s long-awaited accountability report. Another one of those things we heard about three years ago.

    Not complaining that it’s back in the news (sort of) again, just noting the fact.

  5. I know Elliot Ness was arrested for drunk years after his time in the Untouchables, but whether he was dirty during Prohibition is a matter of conjecture.

    That being said, while Al Capone was a truly nasty guy and is burning in Hell, his conviction on income tax charges told the government that if it couldn’t get someone on what they really wanted him for, it can always find something to put him away for. That mindset led directly to the witch-hunt(s) against Donald Trump. It was also the reason for Ruby Ridge. That is also how Michael Flynn was railroaded.

  6. Yeah, but that impugns the 0.2% of honorable agents!

    Can we say “GESTAPO?” “SD?” “KGB?” “NKVD?” “OVRA?” “SAVAK?” “Cheka?”

    Thoroughly corrupt.

    izlamo delenda est …

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