What Is It With Biden And Ice Cream? – IOTW Report

What Is It With Biden And Ice Cream?

American Thinker

Are all those media items featuring Joe Biden eating ice cream not a diversion from the serious issues of the day but rather a coded warning? More

There’s even a book. Here

22 Comments on What Is It With Biden And Ice Cream?

  1. Logically speaking…

    A. Old men that sniff young girls hair while eating ice cream are perverts.

    B. Joe Biden is an old man that sniffs young girls hair while eating ice cream.

    C. Joe Biden is a pervert.

  2. 0bozo loved to lick alot too.
    It’s a Lady McBeth thang, they both have bad tastes in their mouths that they want to be rid of…

    Dr Jill’s answer is to just swallow.

  3. I always remember my Mom saying, “Birds of a feather, flock together”.
    Don’t forget John Podesta, White House Chief of Staff to President Bill Clinton and Counselor to President Barack Obama.

  4. Biden working over an ice cream cone gives democrat males something special to fantasize about. Plus, his handlers noticed that when Joe is sucking on a cone he doesn’t say anything stupid.

  5. Hey Joe.

    You will find it even more soothing if you drop your pants and sit on a 2 gallon pale of Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Chip whatever.


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