One PA County Hurt As A Warning To The Rest Not To Cooperate With State Senate Audit – IOTW Report

One PA County Hurt As A Warning To The Rest Not To Cooperate With State Senate Audit

Washington Examiner

Voting machines in Pennsylvania‘s Fulton County were decertified after local officials complied with a GOP-backed ballot audit and allowed a third-party contractor to access data.

The rural county, which borders Maryland, must do away with its Dominion Democracy Suite 5.5A voting system, employed in the 2020 presidential election, after Wake TSI, a software company, was allowed in December to gain access to and look over its “election database, results files, and Windows system logs,” acting Secretary of State Veronica Degraffenreid told county officials in a letter on Tuesday. More

This is important because Degraffenreid declared the state will not reimburse any county the cost of replacing the machines the secretary of state has decertified. In essence, cooperate with the state senate forensic audit at your own county’s cost of replacing all your voting machines and equipment. more

7 Comments on One PA County Hurt As A Warning To The Rest Not To Cooperate With State Senate Audit

  1. Fulton County has a high percentage of conservatives and a low total vote count. If pushed they’d probably tell you they don’t need no stinking’ maecchines.

    The entire population of the county could fit inside most triple-a ballparks. They could hand count with 100 accuracy so I am sure they are scared.

  2. In Louisiana, all the machines are mechanical tabulation sort of like a typewriter punch card machine. when the poles close the commissioners turn a crank and a tabulation total is produced. The commissioner posts the results in the window, then delivers the tabulation to the Clerk of Court. Louisiana used to be bad about cheating but these voting machines are pretty fool proof. I know, I was a commissioner far a few years. Louisiana Clerks take it seriously.

  3. Actually, I have to take it back. A couple of years ago Louisiana went from these huge mechanical machines to computer touch screens. Those mechanical machines couldn’t be tampered with but now the don’t use them

  4. I can see this backfiring on the Dems when said counties go purchase cheaper yet more secure methods of collecting/counting ballots as a result of this.

  5. If the SoS can decertify machines that probably means the office also declare what is acceptable, i.e. they won’t allow alternatives to their very expensive cheating machines.

    The state legislature is going to have to nip this in the bud (or full flower at this point).


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