Mississippi AG: Roe v. Wade Is ‘Egregiously Wrong,’ Poisonous, and ‘Decades Out of Date’ – IOTW Report

Mississippi AG: Roe v. Wade Is ‘Egregiously Wrong,’ Poisonous, and ‘Decades Out of Date’

PJM: On Thursday, Attorney General Lynn Fitch (R-Miss.) urged the Supreme Court to strike down its abortion precedents in Roe v. Wade (1973) and Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992). Fitch called Roe and Casey “egregiously wrong,” poisonous to America’s public discourse, and “decades out of date” because its assumptions about women’s freedom and the development of unborn babies in the womb have proven false. Most importantly, Fitch reiterated the central argument against Roe — it invented a “right” to abortion that does not exist in the Constitution.

“Because nothing in constitutional text, structure, history, or tradition supports a right to abortion,” Fitch argued, “a prohibition on elective abortions is therefore constitutional if it satisfies the rational-basis review that applies to all laws.”

Fitch made these important arguments in her brief in the central abortion case Thomas Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, which the Supreme Court will hear when it reconvenes this fall. The case involves a Mississippi law that bans abortion after 15 weeks gestation, at which point an unborn baby already has a fully formed nose and lips, eyelids and eyebrows. MORE

6 Comments on Mississippi AG: Roe v. Wade Is ‘Egregiously Wrong,’ Poisonous, and ‘Decades Out of Date’

  1. I had an epiphany a while back; I learned a thing which changes the way I think: Abortion is Democrats killing future Democrats. taxpayer funded abortion is a one time expense that eliminates a future Democrat. Welfare is ongoing, and welfare weenies breed more welfare weenies. Ergo, I support taxpayer funded abortions

    Think about this: where they put the clinics is where they want the population reduced. Do they put the clinics in wealthy neighborhoods, or poor neighborhoods? Is it easier to get an abortion in rural Iowa, or Watts?

  2. Attorney General Lynn Fitch is wrong.

    9th Amendment to the Constitution:

    The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

    Find an argument that doesn’t make conservatives look stupid, please.

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