Leftists Are So Erudite, Aren’t They? – IOTW Report

Leftists Are So Erudite, Aren’t They?

16 Comments on Leftists Are So Erudite, Aren’t They?

  1. Typical Leftist. They cannot debate on the merits of an issue because they lose every time. So they fall back on two things – calling Racism! and hurling insults. It’s like arguing with a foul mouthed second grade brat.

  2. Where is all this ‘anti hate’ the left always jabbers about? They can stand on the corner and wave their Peace flags all they want, they have plenty of hate to go around.
    Hate is a very important emotion when based on facts and reality. An example being is killing of the innocent, is worthy of hate. Prove me wrong.

  3. Proof your a DEMOCRAT
    Your OK with 1000’s of children being raped and sodomized at the border by the cartel and others.
    Your OK with Millions of immigrants, being indebted to and working for the Cartel.
    Your OK with Billions of dollars, the cartel makes human trafficking.
    You OK with your leaders profiting from the cartel.
    Your OK with the leading cause of death, 42.6M abortions in 2020, and the profits from wholesale baby parts.


  4. Interviewer: “What are you doing at the gay pride parade today?”

    Interviewee: “I’m here to show my love for everyone. It’s all about love, never hate. If you love someone they will love you back. Hate is an evil we must get rid of. So much more can be accomplished if everyone just loves everyone.”

    Interviewer: “What do you think about Donald Trump?”

    Interviewee: “Fuck Trump!”

  5. She did not sound at all like a Kentuckian. Maybe from up near Cincy? Everyone I’ve ever known in KY, with the exception of Louisville and Lexington, are good, honest, hard working people. They are proud of their state and proud of their heritage. Gov. Beshear and mayor Fischer of Derby Town are far left BLM sympathizing idiots.

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