AZ State Senator Michelle ‘I got boo’ed off stage’ Ugenti-Rita Had Reporter Handcuffed and Arrested Outside Rally – IOTW Report

AZ State Senator Michelle ‘I got boo’ed off stage’ Ugenti-Rita Had Reporter Handcuffed and Arrested Outside Rally


On Saturday President Trump spoke at a rally for election integrity in Phoenix Arizona. The venue was packed and featured all of the candidates for Arizona’s next Secretary of State, Governor, and US Senator.

Arizona RINO State Senator Michelle Ugenti Rita also gave a speech but she was booed off of the stage as her words were muffled by the crowd, turned angry mob.

In a contemptuous effort to save her speech, she yelled at her peasants “I’m going to win the primary!”

After feeling the heat from the crowd of thousands, The Gateway Pundit’s Jordan Conradson ran into her in another part of the arena.

Ugenti-Rita left the building when asked questions by Conradson. Shortly after, she came back, and when he saw her again, she told officers on sight that Conradson was harassing her. more here

8 Comments on AZ State Senator Michelle ‘I got boo’ed off stage’ Ugenti-Rita Had Reporter Handcuffed and Arrested Outside Rally

  1. I can’t believe she had the tits to show up there. She’s one of the two traitors that left Maricopa County Supervisors off the hook. And the Maricopa County Sheriff was up to his neck in this cover up as well.

  2. Way to get the press on your side Twanger.
    Right from the Castro/Che/Turdeau/Xi playbook!
    That should really help with the PR on your DE-Election campaign.


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