Biden nominates Clyburn’s daughter to federal commission on poverty – IOTW Report

Biden nominates Clyburn’s daughter to federal commission on poverty

 WaTimes: Biden has nominated a daughter of House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, one of his key allies in Congress, to a seat on a federal commission aimed at addressing poverty in the southeastern U.S.

The president appointed Jennifer Clyburn Reed as federal co-chair of the Southeast Crescent Regional Commission, which was created in 2008 and received a large boost in federal funding in the current fiscal year.

Mr. Clyburn, a South Carolina Democrat whose endorsement is credited with helping Mr. Biden to win a crowded presidential primary in 2020, has often spoken of his daughter someday taking his place in CongressHer nomination must be confirmed by the Senate. more

11 Comments on Biden nominates Clyburn’s daughter to federal commission on poverty

  1. @ Brad

    “How would she know anything about poverty?”

    The only thing any of the “elites” know about poverty is how to create it and they are very good at doing that!

  2. Hilarious that one of society’s lowlifes living in the lap of luxury while the majority of the citizenry dine on locusts is appointed to some position concerning poverty. That’s like a fake and thieving pedo-in-chief appointing another perv to oversee a position regarding children.

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