Georgia To Ask 185,000 Voters If They Are Still Active – IOTW Report

Georgia To Ask 185,000 Voters If They Are Still Active

The Hill

George Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) announced on Thursday that the state is taking steps to update its voter rolls, contacting more than 185,000 voters who have not interacted with the election system for at least five years to see if they are still active.

Raffensperger said he ordered Georgia election officials to mail no-contact notices to 185,666 people who have not had any contact with the election system in the previous five calendar years.

The secretary said no contact means the voters have not voted, requested an absentee ballot, signed a petition or updated their registration by changing their address or renewing their driver’s license.

Additionally, [Raffensperger claims] none of those people voted in the 2020 general election or runoff races. More

8 Comments on Georgia To Ask 185,000 Voters If They Are Still Active

  1. Oh they’re there alright…
    Just put the Cheetos-Eating, nose-picking, finger-smelling Jan 6 FBI Sleuths on it to check the videos of any Biden rally! Look closely tho… 185,000 Leprechauns don’t take up much space!

  2. yeah, there’s another scam right there, that is
    remove them from the voter rolls, then tell them how to get back on- with an ID.
    the way this works is- these people haven’t voted for 5 years. They might be dead, or have moved. But his notice shows up, and gets returned by an imposter, and- bingo- another vote, and probably by a mail in ballot

  3. Exactly, billyhall2006. It’s just another Democrat trawl for illegal votes, dressed up as election reform. And if Riff Raffensperger says they didn’t vote in 2020, you can bet your bottom dollar that the unspoken word was “legally”. He’s a lying scumbag who shouls have already been gone and lawyering up.

  4. Remember: When we think we may have the Democrats cornered, they are thinking at least 2 to 3 steps ahead. They’re good at it, and we suck at mitigating anything, especially with our useful idiot RINOs.

  5. Wait a minute. They KNOW they haven’t voted in 5 years?

    I’m all for removal of them but, if you KNOW they haven’t voted in 5 years, then doesn’t that mean they were not part of the cheat?

    I must be missing something.

    Like I said before, take ’em out so Dominion can’t take them.


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