After 20 years, time to declassify 9/11 documents, say senators – IOTW Report

After 20 years, time to declassify 9/11 documents, say senators

Wa Ex:

TIME TO COME CLEAN: Taking up the cause of families of Americans killed in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, a group of senators has introduced bipartisan legislation that would push the intelligence community and the Justice Department to declassify thousands of documents that could identify additional co-conspirators.

“If the United States government is sitting on any documents that may implicate Saudi Arabia in the events of 9/11, these families and the American people have a right to know,” said Sen. Bob Menendez, a Democrat from New Jersey. “If information is power, then we must give our 9/11 families access to that information and any power it provides them as they carry forward their search for truth, justice, and accountability for the September 11th attacks.”

The documents would greatly help the year’s long legal effort by families and survivors who are suing the government of Saudi Arabia in federal court in New York, but the U.S. government has argued documents as too sensitive for disclosure and may open up the U.S. government to lawsuits. MORE

8 Comments on After 20 years, time to declassify 9/11 documents, say senators

  1. The DOJ, FBI, NSA, CIA and others will respond, “American You can’t handle the Truth”.

    The truth (if it ever is revealed) will uncover the inept and corrupt nature of the Intelligence and Judicial system of the Government.

    Don’t expect the government to release anything for the next decade or two; then it will be redacted and unintelligible.
    Transparency my azz, the government does not work for the people, it is self serving, like its elected officials.

  2. The truth would be something like –

    “We had plenty of intel but did nothing about it. Like with dozens and dozens of other terrorist plots, pressure-cooker bombings, school shootings, workplace shootings, and assorted near-misses (thanks to alert private citizens); sure, we had people “on our radar” and were contacted by concerned family members who warned us that their son was being radicalized. But we just couldn’t follow-up on anything…because multiculturalism and stuff….and because we were all too busy fucking each other, enjoying our adulterous office romances, and our Marxist cell-meetings.”

  3. I must’ve missed this, I’ve been away.
    When did Congress legislate more than one April Fools day per year??

    I can literally list a dozen things that government has lied or obscured. It’s harder to list things that they were honest about.

    They brazenly defy FOIA requests without apology, so LOL.

    And Sen Menendez asking for truth and transparency is beyond cynical.


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