NYC Vaccine Passport System Is Mickey Mouse – IOTW Report

NYC Vaccine Passport System Is Mickey Mouse

Fox 5

The NYC COVID Safe app allows users to upload a photo of their COVID-19 vaccine card and then flash the image in the app to enter a vaccine-requiring establishment.

“[It’s] not connected to the Internet,” de Blasio said. “Can’t be hacked.”

Is that true? More

11 Comments on NYC Vaccine Passport System Is Mickey Mouse

  1. Time out for a mini rant my IOTW pals. If you’re watching the Olympics today, which you should be, you were subjected to about 6.5 strait hours of watching anorexic people run. That’s right, the marathons. What in the actual fuck? Mean while our Free Style Wrestling team dominated. And never received any prime time coverage. It’s been that way for a long time. Apparently Libtards hate wrestling. I don’t get it. Why? They aired Synchronized Gymnastics this morning. Are you kidding me? When you consider Wrestling is one of 3 remaining original Olympic sport one would think it deserveres a little more respect. Years past you could find coverage at 0 dark thirty on some obscure channel. That was fine. All of us fans could set the DVR and no problem. So one would have to assume the big networks don’t air wrestling because it doesn’t generate enough viewers. Well today proved what I’ve always suspected. The MSM hates wrestling. Would you rather watch 6 1/2 boring hours of non stop running, or this guy, who weighs 265 pounds by the way.

    Pretty sure Gable Stevenson could have placed in the gymnastic floor exercises. Maybe then he could have gotten some airtime.

  2. rich taylor

    I had not seen that. Gotta protect those muzzies I guess. he one sports that being ignored even more than mens wrestling is mens boxing. Teddie Atlas says the corruption is so deep, he’ll never be back.
    It’s to bad these petty assholes can effect the outcomes of hand to hand.
    This type of shit seems to happen every year. Overall I think these games have been huge for USA. I just wish we could have seen them.
    I’m on the Dish because we are rural. They suck.

  3. Brad, as a runner I like the running sports.
    I used to wrestle in High School so I appreciate that sport as well.
    For wrestling, no sport is so deep to your core exhausting, saying that even though I have run 20 marathons over the years.

    The men’s and women’s marathons take 2-1/2 hours each so not a big deal.
    Earlier in the week they had two 20K RACE WALKING competitions.
    Then a 50K!
    Race walking is so BIZARRE.
    It looks like they are hyper-extending their knees and they likely all need hip replacement by the age of 30.
    There are so many referees flagging them for actual “running.”

    On USA Network right now the women’s indoor volleyball gold medal match is on.
    USA vs Brazil.
    We are very close with the chinks in the gold medal count so we may need to win this one…

  4. Loco
    Kind of a funny story, I guess. I wrestled one year in Jr. High (8th grade), 4 years in high school, two years at a JC. You run your ass off training for the mat as you explained in your post above. Several times a year we would have the cross country coaches calling us at home asking us to join the cross country team. ( whichs season is almost identical to wrestling). It was like, Are you fing kidding me? The only reason I run is so I can wrestle. Good times.

  5. Agreed Brad, my coach was a rotund SOB that not only ran us to death, the weight training circuit we did with as many reps per station, then move on to the next was devastating.

    There was some good matches the other day.
    A guy was @ 80kg won the gold in the last 15 seconds and a chick won her bronze by dominating her opponent on points.

  6. Loco
    All kinds of changes to my shit recently. Radiation and other crimes against humanity. I felt a need for some aerobics. I’ve been running the straights and walking the curves at our local high school. UP TO 6 LAPS. Not a bad way to go for old peeps. I hope to be running the bleachers again sometime. I bet they don’t even allow that in school anymore. Especially if you had someone on your back. Anyway, USA Freestyle Guys were bad ass. To bad we couldn’t watch them.

  7. Sorry to hear that Brad.
    I’m sure your gonnna give it hell.
    Our leaders are so fucked up they never recommended exercise and diet during the covid.
    Hell, the fucking CLOSED the damn gyms!

    If some idiot had said “where is your mask” while I was running I would be in jail for homicide!

  8. Loco

    You’re right on the money. Our overseers want us weak mentally and physically. That makes us much easier to control. I never missed a day in the gym even though I had to join 3 different gyms. Fuck these people


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