DeSantis riffs on Biden dementia – IOTW Report

DeSantis riffs on Biden dementia

Pfft. He started it. 😂

19 Comments on DeSantis riffs on Biden dementia

  1. DeSantis is the left’s worst nightmare, he is their new public enemy number one. There is no one, not Kristi, not Nikki, not anyone with a last name of Trump, no one scares the shit out of the leftist patricians more than this guy.

    He seems adequately equipped to weather the storm but I hope he and his family are ready what’s to come. They will “Kavanaugh” him times ten. It’s all ready started.

  2. 2024 can’t get here soon enough. The question is what office will DeSantis run for? Personally, I think he could be more effective than Trump as POTUS. Until then, all efforts need to be focused on restoring integrity to the voting process BEFORE 2022. There is too much opportunity to take the House and Senate to let dems steal the elections again.

  3. It’s a natural response to focus on the next election but we got major problems right now. Where’s how I rank our most pressing issues, yours might be different;

    1)Border crisis- with millions, yes millions, of illegals flooding our borders, unskilled with many bringing covid with them and most will be Democrat voters in the future this can single handedly doom our nation.

    2) Out of control spending- trillions bandied about like Monopoly money, this can not be sustained. Yes, I have great confidence in the innovation and dynamism of the US free markets but there is a point of no return. we are fast approaching that point.

    3) The alacrity at which the American people will relinquish thinking for themselves and turn all control over to their overlords, all in the hopes of attaining safety. Incrementally at first, and then wholesale totalitarianism, these blue governors have removed essential freedoms, demanded fealty, and punished those that question authority. They have now realized how easy it is to cow the masses, more is coming wrt free speech, assembly, gun rights, even the means to earn a living.

    We can’t wait until the next election.

  4. Rich, I agree with you on your immediately pressing issues, but how are you going to make the necessary changes when the dims control both chambers of Congress and the Presidency, with the media being a propaganda mouthpiece, and Tech oligarchs censoring all opposition voices? And also RINO’s who have no power, let alone backbone or even the desire to make the necessary changes – worse yet, most of them are profiting off the status quo.

    We need to gain the Bully Pulpit and the power to legislate in order to achieve change. Short of an overthrow, the 2022 and 2024 elections are the only way I know of to accomplish it. The people have seen their voice stolen in 2020, I am confident they won’t let it happen again.

    If you have a plan, please share it.

  5. Stirrin, I found this at American Thinker. It addresses Rich Taylor’s #1 issue, illegal invader hordes, but hits his second and third points only tangentially:

    “1. Have a public interest law firm file a Mandamus Motion in US District Court to compel the Executive Branch to execute federal immigration law. Individuals coming into this country must be vetted under the United States Code, Title 8, section 1182. Any code section that would temporarily halt illegal immigration at the southern border should be used. In the alternative, Article IV, section 4 of the Constitution requires that the federal government protect states from Invasion.”

    “2. Suspend relationships with China to provide time to conduct a proper investigation into COVID-19’s origins and hold the responsible parties accountable. Build up the Navy immediately.”

    “3. Put on hold the approved Global Minimum Tax until the public can be assured of the full range of consequences for this action. In fact, Congress should investigate thoroughly the relationship between the United Nations and American tax Sovereignty.”

    At least there is recognition that we are losing our sovereignty and rights in our dalliance with globalists and totalitarians, and as a consequence, our spending is dangerously out of control. And Richard Taylor is right: We cannot hope to vote our way out of this. At least anytime soon.

  6. @stirrin

    Of course we have no power, we are the minority, but that doesn’t mean we give up or even tread water until the next election, that was my point.

    Some things we can do now, off the top of my head;

    Pay attention, stay informed, read everything, donate some time to seriously reflect on what your core beliefs are, push back at everything you see has hampering or diminishing our essential freedoms, talk to your friends and inform them whats going on, write letters to the editor of your local paper, write your congressman, be a counterweight to those around you that willingly go along. Knowing that dems over reach, be ready when it happens.

    Don’t leave the Republican party. Yeah, it is full of spineless sycophants who value power over principle but we have to learn from the democrats, namely that coalitions matter, big tents will win over little ones. Support as best you can those GOP’ers that voice your values, we need more of these guys. If you have any sense of political history, you know that third parties are where votes go to die. All a third party will do is split the conservative vote and give carte blanche to the Democrats. Third parties have never been successful in America. Stay with the Republican Party, get involved in it, change it, and make it work.

    And here’s something I was thinking about the other day, we need to form and invest in alternatives to “Big Tech,”otherwise, we will be at the mercy of those technology companies that virtually control public speech in this country. We need a voice, a seat at the table, a platform to disseminate ideas, the current crop of social media giants will not provide this, we have to make our own. Yes, it will take time and effort, but it is doable.

    Further along these lines we need to get more active on the social media platforms (the ones that still allow our participation). Our ideas, our solutions, our core beliefs have merit. They echo and preserve those core American beliefs of our founders. And they provide the most robust protections of our civil liberties. We need to be listened to.

    I’m sure there is a bunch more we can do, any other ideas out there?

  7. @Thirdtwin

    That was a great article you posted, good find. I’m at the “anger” stage as well, not because we lost but the manner in which we lost.

    I don’t know how feasible any of those suggestions are. The first seems the easiest since the laws are already on the books. The second does not seem workable. The Chinese own large portions of land in our country, our debt, and in bought influence with our leaders. Our Navy is in a shambles, and our military leaders can’t be trusted.

    These are the types of discussion I wish we had more of here.

  8. @Thirdtwin –

    1, 2 and 3 sound great on paper. How do you advance them and implement them with no power?

    The SCOTUS has already demonstrated it’s unwillingness to hear our related cases.

    Who has the power to suspend relations with China? Oh yeah, Congress and the President.

    Who puts on hold the Global Minimum Tax? You answered that in your statement – Congress.

    Rich – I in no way suggested that we give up or tread water. I agree with your suggestions – especially writing your senators and congressmen – but building the momentum takes time.

    In addition to National political offices, I would suggest focusing local offices – School Board, DA’s, Governors and State representatives. From this true grassroots, the Republican party can be transformed back into the party of the people. I have no intention of leaving the party. A third party hurts conservatism more than it helps.

    I historically have not used social media – not on FB, Twit, or any other popular ones – but I am on Gab and support it as an alternative.

    Bottom line is voter integrity. Efforts from now until 2022 need to be intensely focused on restoring and preserving it. No change will ever occur, and totalitarianism will result with democrat controlled voting systems and procedures. No power – no change. Oh, there may be a few skirmishes won here or there before 2022, but long term real change happens at the ballot box.

    One final suggestion to help us get there: PRAY! Fervently and daily. Mary Hatch includes that admonition with every comment she makes. Take it to heart, it works.

  9. We are no longer a representative republic, but rather, essentially an Oligarchy. The globalist corporations with the support of Big-Tech Media (and legacy media) control the narrative through censorship and editorial content.

    In my view Technology is the number one enemy of the people. In the wrong hands, with evil and nefarious intent, it will (already has) concentrate power in too few (i.e., the Oligarchs) hands. CCP style control tools – social credit score, all-pervasive video monitoring, cashless society using state controlled debit cards, and more – will follow.

    We can say boycott this company or use alternative outlets. but that requires getting the message out to the masses, but who controls the medium?

    Big Tech needs to be broken up and have it’s Section 230 immunity removed. Congress is the only body that can do that, which brings me back full circle to restore and maintain voter integrity and win back legislative power. Not just at the national level, but also and importantly at the state level.

  10. Oh and I don’t mean to ignore securing the border and enforcing existing immigration laws. Reckless and lawless invasion of the border is extremely dangerous and needs to be dealt with ASAP – including deporting those who are already here illegally.

  11. “Big Tech needs to be broken up and have it’s Section 230 immunity removed.”

    I know breaking these guys up into smaller pieces is very popular with guys like Josh Hawley, who I like a lot but the free market capitalist in me bristles whenever government wants to regulate anything.

    The biggest businesses by market cap are Apple, Microsoft,Google, then Amazon, I don’t see how breaking them up is beneficial to the consumer. Maybe because I’m a shareholder in all these companies and appreciate their success, but our business climate provides competitors the opportunity to enter the market and get market share if the big guys get too rapacious. Of course media companies like Facebook and Twitter need their Section 230 protections removed, they are not platforms but publishers, they aggregate and curate content. My hope is that people that use them get fed up having their speech stifled/shut down and go some where else. The breaking up part I’m still trying to work out.

    The PRAY advice is always sound but as I’ve said a few times here, it just might be in God’s plan for our nation to falter, crumple, and be destroyed from within, his will be done.

  12. “…it just might be in God’s plan for our nation to falter, crumple, and be destroyed from within, his will be done…”

    No doubt. Sometimes God’s answer to your prayer is “No”. His will be done.


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