Ted Wheeler and his “date” – IOTW Report

Ted Wheeler and his “date”

An activist confronts Portland mayor Ted Wheeler after he leaves restaurant and claims he is drunk.

This is, apparently, the reason I should be interested in this clip. It’s not.

It’s that Wheeler’s “date” seems to be a dude. But that’s not the part that makes this gold. It’s that the song playing over the establishment’s sound system is “Lola.”

You couldn’t have scripted this.

22 Comments on Ted Wheeler and his “date”

  1. What a sorry ass date, both of them are looking at their phones!
    IDC what you identify as, when you are “dating” you should be talking to that person.
    I woke up sort of cranky this morning, LOL ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. If the “activist” was serious instead of being a publicity whore, (s)he should have called the po-po to report a drunk driver, complete with car description and license plate.

  3. Seems to me when you’re out on a date, you need to at least pretend you’re interested in your companion. Just took my gal out the other night and there was never a phone looked at.

    I also always open my woman’s car door for her. In all the many years I’ve taken women out, never once did one complain about that.

  4. “You couldnโ€™t have scripted this.”

    In fact, if you HAD scripted this, it would be panned as the lamest thing of the day,. Kind of Jr High level.

    Yet, I have found God being humorous in things like this. He likes to be obvious too so everyone can get what He’s pointing at.


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