Highway Deaths Up Despite Fewer Miles Being Driven – IOTW Report

Highway Deaths Up Despite Fewer Miles Being Driven


“Summer is an incredibly dangerous time. And it culminates with Labor Day, that last hurrah,” said Pam Shadel Fischer of the Governors Highway Safety Association.

Traffic data indicates the higher death toll was related to higher average speeds in conjunction with more of those on the roads driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol and a slight decline in seatbelt use.

Motorists do not seem to be slowing down.

“People are flying down the roads,” Maine State Police Cpl. Doug Cropper said of summer traffic on Interstate 95. “It’s just ridiculous.” More

17 Comments on Highway Deaths Up Despite Fewer Miles Being Driven

  1. I was on interstate I90 yesterday in NY and drivers were going 25+ miles over the posted limit. It was Sunday and I didn’t see anyone pulled over by police but did see digital billboards saying “speed kills” every few miles. Maybe the police have been de-funded by Cuomo, and the signs are their low priced replacements.

  2. The explanation is perfectly clear to me, “The Ferguson effect”. Cops are quitting or retiring, the ones left have circled the wagons and collectively have decided that they are not going to pro-active police, period. Arrests are down, citations are down, even public contacts are down.

    There used to be a certain pride about protecting “their beat”, not anymore, the cops are giving up the streets because it is now too risky for them to do their jobs.

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqTKZgEW8pM

    As those small wheels turn
    Fifty miles to the gallon
    And their knees on their chest
    They’re gonna save enough gas
    For all of the rest
    In a Yugo

    Then one day on the interstate
    They suddenly lose control
    They swerve to miss a baby duck
    They’re squashed beneath a produce truck
    But they drove with pride…

    And as the crowds drive past a little flat car
    You know they saved a lot of gas
    But they didnt get far
    In a Yugo

    And as they’re trapped inside
    At a used car lot on the other side of town
    A liberal guy and a liberal gal
    Buy a Yugo….

  4. The revenue will come from miles traveled not speeding tickets. D.U.I. and Wild driving deaths will increase up to the point that law makers little prince and princesses are killed but not killing others.

  5. I was walking downtown some years ago, noticed a parked Yugo all locked up with one of those ‘Club’ anti-theft gizmos on the steering wheel. I broke the window and stole it. (The Club)

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