Dinger – IOTW Report


Miller wins the internet today, with this—->

29 Comments on Dinger

  1. They’ll claim cultural appropriation and banish “dinger” to the back of the storage bin in the storage locker the Rockies keep all their unsold merch and player jerseys no one wants to wear, then conveniently not pay the rent on the locker so that the warehouse auctions off the contents to the highest bidder who will then trash “dinger” and take a loss on selling the rest of the items left in his or her lot.

    Uncomfortable similarity solved.

  2. An investigation? Under what potential crime?

    Is it now worse than yelling fire?

    What if the person yelling it for real was, as usually is, and the investigation uncovered, black?

    There was a parody skit of the bravest man in the world – Walks into the ghetto with a helmet on and yells “nigger!” I think it was from Kentucky Fried Movie. It was funny then. I can’t even find the clip anymore. But it made sense because he was a white man yelling it around a bunch of blacks and gets his ass kicked. But legally, what happens NOW when you yell it around a bunch of self righteous virtuous whites?

  3. An investigation? Good Lord the wheels have fallen off the wagon. I guess the name of the mascot will have to be changed so the racist impaired can understand things better.

  4. @ Brad AUGUST 9, 2021 AT 4:48 PM

    Speaking of Blazing Saddles…

    They overdubbed and completely ruined the entire movie when it was played on television in the 1970’s, changing one line to: I hired you people to try to get a little track laid, not to jump around like a bunch of Kansas City horses.

    From that day forward by brother referred to effeminates as Kansas City horses. It caught on and before long the entire school was using that euphemism.

  5. AK, there is a sign alongside I 90 coming West into the Spokane valley that always has bad puns and funny sayings on it. This weeks sign says, Nobody’s listening until you fart and the other side going East has an ultimate dad joke, Why is 6 scared of 7? Because 7 8 9. I always get a good laugh whenever I pass that sign.

  6. As the task has been again left to me I’ll do it.

    So I’m the only one present who as a small child had a small appendage referred to as your “DINGER?”

    Early fifties.

    Perhaps a new alias…


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