Scam: Evicted Woman Featured on CNN with Cori Bush is not the mother of kids cited in GoFundMe that drew over $200K – IOTW Report

Scam: Evicted Woman Featured on CNN with Cori Bush is not the mother of kids cited in GoFundMe that drew over $200K

It was all a lie to garner sympathy. The kids are her boyfriend’s. They have an actual mother who takes care of them. These kids were never in any danger of being evicted.

more on the scam at The Review Journal

14 Comments on Scam: Evicted Woman Featured on CNN with Cori Bush is not the mother of kids cited in GoFundMe that drew over $200K

  1. I was in a NYS welfare office a few years ago and over heard them talking about finger printing kids because mothers were signing up for financial help and bringing in other peoples kids to help pad the free money she could get. No doubt border invaders will be doing the same thing.

  2. Once they saw how the illegal invaders were using other peoples’ children to get a meal ticket in the USA, it was only a matter of time before they adapted the scam to get their own free shit from Uncle Sugar.

    Doesn’t it seem like every big scam, including Covid, is ultimately “for the children”?

  3. The whole idea of the rent moratorium is to bleed landlords dry and make renters a ward of the state. Numerous examples of this in the scam infrastructure bill, such as making local zoning commissions answer to the federal government to put up section 8 hovels where ever they please. This infrastructure bill is akin to the Nazis 1933 Enabling act.

  4. @ TRF AUGUST 10, 2021 AT 8:13 AM

    I’ll take that bet.

    I’m going with virtue signaling white leftists who have a documented record of parsimony that is only outdone by their phony baloney posturing.


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