#DeSantisVariant Trends Online Because CDC Released FALSE Florida Covid Data – IOTW Report

#DeSantisVariant Trends Online Because CDC Released FALSE Florida Covid Data


Florida’s health department says CDC’s COVID count for state is wrong, ‘anticipates’ correction.

The Florida Department of Health took to Twitter on Monday to ask the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention to update its COVID-19 case tracker for the state because it incorrectly combined “MULTIPLE days into one,” which made the Sunday daily case count explode to the state’s worst ever. 

The department said it follows the CDC’s guidelines for reporting cases. The CDC reported 28,317 new cases on Sunday, which WSVN reported would mark the most confirmed infections in one day in the state since the beginning of the pandemic. Multiple media organizations picked up on the number and the department corrected the stories online with some bite. 

20 Comments on #DeSantisVariant Trends Online Because CDC Released FALSE Florida Covid Data

  1. On a meeting yesterday lib coworkers were asking me how dire Austin was repeating the BS that the hospitals all full and everyone is getting ill. I’ve had it with this BS and told them to turn off the TV, Covid doesn’t exit for those of us that have chosen to live our lives and I explained citizen journalists have gone to the hospitals and shown videos that no one is there. I don’t care what happens to me, I’m not living this BS anymore or putting up with people pushing the BS. They were shocked and changed the subject but at least they heard the truth even if their brain won’t let it process that this is a scamdemic of lies.

  2. To be fair, per capita cases for Florida are among the highest in the country. Dakotas and Rhode Island are the 3 highest, showing how random this is. And one day of bad data aside, Florida’s current case counts are far higher than they were before.
    But… FL deaths per capita, despite having the oldest population in the country, are below the national average. That is really the key number, plus the fact that FL has largely been open throughout the plandemic.

  3. This whole “Fourth Wave”. is nothing but reruns and reboots of tired canards. The only canard that’s missing is “mass covid graves”, because NOBODY IS DYING.

    The journos pulled this same numbers-reporting trick all last year, but it fools the gullible and is wind under the wings for the flying monkeys who troll on SocMed. Keep calm and carry on during this blitz.

  4. Let’s see, S Fla.. isn’t that where they were so anxious to release all those billions of genetic modified flying syringes, err I mean gmo mosquitoes months ago?
    And might we predict TX is next on the plandemic attack list?

  5. Parent company of flying syringe Co “..focus on human gene editing”. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, peasant!
    “In 2015, Intrexon purchased Oxitec, a maker of gene drive technology for $160 million.[5] In April 2019, Intrexon formed a subsidiary called Precigen, with a focus on human gene therapy. Precigen went on to win orphan drug status from the FDA for a CAR-T based therapy (investigational drug name PRGN-3006) to treat acute myeloid leukemia.[6][7] In early 2020, Intrexon adopted the name of its subsidiary, Precigen, and “narrowed its focus to human gene editing”.[8][9]

  6. Jethro AUGUST 10, 2021 AT 10:45 AM

    “My update – My covid tests came back negative. I’m storing my prescribed ivermectin for the next time.”


    YAY on both parts! Good to hear.

    I really need to get around to acquiring some myself.

  7. The CDC has lost the rest of its credibility, especially since they had little to start with and amid the help of the fauci quack. Absolutely nothing CDC cites or puts out there is believed nor believable. And they want us to “trust” them. Never.

  8. But CDC employees don’t have to get vaccinated? I just web searched the question and got no answer.
    Letting the USPS off while forcing the military to get it kind of gives it all away. They don’t believe in it themselves, they’re just yanking on the choke chain…because they can.
    BTW news today that the Pfizer is less effective than the Moderna. Pfizer is the one that delayed announcement of (claimed) effectiveness until after the election, then started promoting “booster” shots and now looks to achieve full FDA approval next month (this will justify forced vaccination).
    Before you trust the FDA search for “FDA Heparin investigation”.

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