Biden Sued for Feeding Illegal Immigrant Children ‘Raw’ and ‘Undercooked’ Food in ‘Dilapidated’ Facilities – IOTW Report

Biden Sued for Feeding Illegal Immigrant Children ‘Raw’ and ‘Undercooked’ Food in ‘Dilapidated’ Facilities

Western Journal:

Two left-wing advocacy groups that favor mass illegal immigration are suing the Biden administration, accusing it of enabling horrifying child abuse at overcrowded migrant holding centers.

In a 276-page federal filing Monday, the National Center for Youth Law and the Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law urged Attorney General Merrick Garland to compel the Department of Health and Human Services to stop abusing and mistreating children at migrant detention centers. more

12 Comments on Biden Sued for Feeding Illegal Immigrant Children ‘Raw’ and ‘Undercooked’ Food in ‘Dilapidated’ Facilities

  1. ” …accusing it of enabling horrifying child abuse…”

    …well, if no one’s ever done anything about incestuous pedo Joe’s lifetime of horrifying child abuse in the form of apparenlty raping even his own granddaughters and teaching his son to rape his niece, then I don’t know what they honestly expect anyone to do HERE…

  2. Let’s make American children wear unhealthy diapers on their faces, but by all means lets allow human traffickers to bring foreign children to the border and into the United States with impunity and get all concerned about them.

  3. Once again, responsibility for their permanent dependents is passed from mexico’s responsibility to OURS; not to mention the invaders from places other than mexico who use it as an entrance.
    The failed states that we are going to be soon
    What the FUCK?

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