Matt Walsh Has Some Choice, and Perfect, Words For His Local School Board – IOTW Report

Matt Walsh Has Some Choice, and Perfect, Words For His Local School Board

9 Comments on Matt Walsh Has Some Choice, and Perfect, Words For His Local School Board

  1. The maskholes in that room are not interested in what he has to say in the least bit. They start looking down and away in some attempt to block his voice from entering their earholes. There’s no convincing these people.

  2. Sorry to say it out loud, but FFUUUCCKKKK YEAAAHHHHH!!!

    Fuck you totalitarian liberals; fuck you liberal, and even conservative, sheep; fuck you everyone who gets their information from liberal agenda driven “news” sources. YOU are destroying this country and you need to be eradicated in some form or fashion.

  3. Ya baby!!
    We need more men like him.

    Just a note, if you have kids in school be like Matt. Eventually your kids will be out of school and you probably won’t see any school board or school staff ever again.
    You are your kids’ advocate and you need to not care one bit if the school people like you or not.
    I say that from experience.

  4. I love these rants as much as anyone but at the end of the day, the school board will do exactly what it wants to do, it will teach CRT and race hatred, it will marginalize and ostracize all the white kids, and they will force all the kids to wear muzzles all day every day. Logic, facts, sympathy, common sense, all are subordinated to the whims of Emperor Fauci.

    I don’t even have kids in school yet the antics of these school boards still pisses me off.

  5. When Obama was elected his Sec of Ed was on the today show explaining NCLB was going to be replaced. So I immediately went to the website to see what other information I could obtain. Down at the bottom of the page was “the quiet part outloud”?- The goal is to install a military style dictator as school superintendent in every school district. Then poof it disappeared. Gaslighting? Hack? Also, approximately the time our youngest got pinworms. There was curiously no antiparasitic medicine available. We went the naturopathy route, but sure makes one wonder about how long this crap has been in the works. EVIL sure appears strong in our shining city on the hill.


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