House Moderates Vow To Block $3.5 Trillion Budget Until Infrastructure Bill Is Law – IOTW Report

House Moderates Vow To Block $3.5 Trillion Budget Until Infrastructure Bill Is Law

Daily Caller: Nine moderate House Democrats vowed in a letter released early Friday to not vote for Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget until the bipartisan infrastructure package is signed into law.

The letter, dated Thursday and addressed to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, threatens the Democrats’ strategy to take up both infrastructure and the budget simultaneously. Progressives already conditioned their support for the bipartisan package on the House passing the budget, and Pelosi pledged not to vote on the infrastructure bill until the Senate passes the budget in an attempt to hold her own caucus together. MORE

8 Comments on House Moderates Vow To Block $3.5 Trillion Budget Until Infrastructure Bill Is Law

  1. 3.5 trillion. Does anyone know how much money that is? By the time the money that is earmarked for being stolen is stolen that’s about 1000 dollars per State.

  2. this is all garbage theater for the masses … just like the GOP ‘bipartisanship’ on the 3.1 trillion spending buster

    all of Congress wants this spending spree … it’s all theater

    … & we’re paying for it … hope y’all like the empty shelves & inflated prices

  3. If each dollar were a day, that’s about how long the Universe has been in existence.
    And with ~$220 Trillion in unfunded liabilities (things for which the FedGov has assumed responsibility but remain off budget (Union pensions, &c.)) the house of cards will eventually collapse – and make no mistake – that IS the INTENT and PURPOSE.
    We are being driven over the cliff by anti-American, Hate-Civilization, Nihilistic, Satanic, Evil connivers with malice aforethought.
    AND we’re allowing it!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. There are no moderate democrats.
    That is a myth.
    If they are blocking something or not falling in line and chanting with the rest, then they have some disagreements over the amount of money going to their pockets. Nothing else.
    Give it few days, they will all line up and bend over to the far left.


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